Jesus, the magician with self-esteem issues…

Ok, repeat of my brief argument, plus NEW stuff under the giant NEW.

Say that Jesus existed, that the supernatural exists, that his life was pretty much as is recorded in the Gospels, that he died and rose again. Say even that we can somehow know that he wasn’t demonic.

What does that get you? Even if I grant a person all of that, all that shows is evidence of a small local deity that existed 2,000 years ago. Even if this deity claimed to be really big and powerful, there’s no reason to believe that he is any more powerful than he demonstrated.

“Looking at the variety of religious experiences attributed to followers of Jesus, the similarities of those that pass certain defeaters (i.e. the people claiming the experience weren’t drunk, etc.) the ethnic variety of the people who claim the experiences, the huge span of time in which the experiences transpired…Jesus is more than a local deity, just by virtue of the common experiences.

And of course, in allowing all that, you remove the three or four best arguments against Christianity, and are left with the idea that Jesus was somehow a/the God. If you make that jump, you’ve kicked out the legs the atheist and agnostic stands on. I’m for granting the things you do here, and I understand that you’re doing it for the sake of argument, but it’s not as compelling as other arguments” [StealthPudge18]

No, I think you’re still in a world of trouble. Granting what I’ve said above:

Why should I believe that I have a soul and that it somehow exists after I die? Why should I believe that Jesus (the deity) has any sort of power or influence over that even if it could be shown that I had a soul? Why should I care about this God? What relevence to my life could he possibly have?

“Jesus is transforming lives today as well throughout this world. Of course he could transform yours but you are unwillng and unbelieving thus you will never see the power of the Lord Jesus. I wish you would.” [†BrotherJim™]

Same questions to you, let’s say that religious experience is good evidence for the object of that experience – that people “finding Jesus” shows us that he’s still around. Who cares? What the hell does that have to do with me?

“Yeah, I think Jim has a point. It’s whether or not the effects because of Jesus continue in other places. Also, given the effect Jesus has at the moment in Isreal and the surrounding places, if he was a local diety only, then he was a very time-specific one.” [‘topher]

Why couldn’t he be a very time-specific deity?


“You have a point; Even if it’s all true what the hell do you care?”

haredawg, you understand about 2% of what I wrote if that’s honestly what you thought my entry was arguing. 

“Now, BUM, about the soul. If you deny the soul, you are the one who must prove it…”

I could not disagree more…

But, I’ll grant you that there’s a human soul. Go from there. 

“Your gospels-as-conspiracy theory doesn’t stand up to the critics.”

Hell, I’ll grant you that the gospel writers actually believed Jesus was the son of an all-powerful God/God himself and anything else you want them to believe about Jesus.

You’re not any further in the argument yet. 

 I guess that you will never know what it has to do with you because in the words of the Saviour “a wicked and adulterous generation seeks a sign.” We are to live in faith which evidently yours is in failable man and not the eternal God. If you were to open yourself to him and allow him to transform your life you wouldn’t have to ask all of these questions. [†BrotherJim™]

Don’t you remember Jim?  This is the same argument I used when I claimed to be the second coming of Jesus “a wicked adulterous generation seeks a sign”… you didn’t have faith in me because you seeked a sign yourself. Double standards are everywhere.

Furthermore, Jim, what the hell does Jesus transforming my life have to do with any aspect of my argument?

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November 4, 2004

Haredawg doesn’t understand isn’t really an answer to haredawgs question is it? Do you not understand the question? I’ll type it slower.

November 4, 2004

Inceidently, your first answer to stealth pledge in this reiteration of your same dull argument IS my question repeated ad nauseum with sillier rhetoric. Maybe we both only understand 2% of your argument.

People don’t bother trying to convince this guy, the truth has been offered to him time after time and he’s rejected it, don’t give what’s sacred to the dogs any longer….

November 4, 2004

The only true Proof is yet to be given. But when that day comes, EVERY KNEE SHALL BOW.

“don’t give what’s sacred to the dogs any longer…” Matt. 15:27- She said, “Yes, Lord, yet even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters’ table.” Throw the poor dog a bone, what harm can one voice do?

November 4, 2004

I need to talk to you about something . . . not religion personal such! ~Love ya much~ ~Bonnie~

November 4, 2004

Listen, there is nothing wrong with talking about intellectual issues tied to faith. It’s got nothing to do with dogs or otherwise. The plain fact of the matter is, for me it’s about demonstrating that Christianity can be defended logically and intellectually, contra cultural ignorance on the subject. It’s for my faith to be challenged in this way. It makes me work for it. Thanks, BUM.

November 4, 2004

Wait a dang minute pudge, everything has something to do with dogs, dammit.

November 5, 2004

Hey, wrote an entry for you and the likes of you; Got me a momma in the promised land ain’t gonna stop til I shake her hand ain’t so particular bout shaking her hand just want to get to the promised land Lord let me fly across that great wide mountain Zion lord, lord, lord

November 5, 2004

If Jesus is who He said He was….then I would say you have a big problem if you reject Him.

You don’t have to believe in Christ. Absolutely not. That’s YOUR choice. It kinda goes back to your argument about whether people can choose to go to hell or not. You can choose not to believe in the Salvation offered to you by Christ, but you will go to hell in the end.

Hear that BUM YOU’RE GOING TO HELL according to a butterfly. Man…This God fella really seems to have a vendetta. How come he’s all nasty at the beginning of the Book suddenly changes in the Middle of the Book to a nice guy then becomes a Prat in the end? Mood swings? Sounds like my Kid brother. I personally reject the notion of supremacy of Life by God. Goes against my Democractic ideals.

November 25, 2004

i find it strange that in amore recent entry you criticize people for not believing in santa and you tell them they need to just have faith,yet you cant hav faith in a god,hm sounds a bit hypocrytical AND i think theres just a bit more evidence for a god than for santa,just my opinion,even tho i dont know if i believe in god either…i dont go around telling people to have faith in anything either