Jesus is offensive.

By claiming to be the second incarnation of Jesus, I appear to be ruffling some feathers.

This is good. And I am the second incarnation of Jesus – Have Faith!

I realized something a few weeks ago.  I understand why I reject faith based (or any kind of) claims

But people who accept some faith based claims do not understand why they reject faith based (or any kind of) claims.

So I gave them a problem to help clarify their thinking on the matter (or to test their faith in me).

I claimed to be the second incarnation of Jesus and that God doesn’t like it when you speak on His behalf and that God doesn’t want your prayers, He gets annoyed by them. Direct them to me. You must have faith.

This didn’t sit well with Christians because they have expectations for their Jesus version 2.0 – at the very least they were not expecting an atheist. So they want to reject this claim and call it “offensive”.

But offensive cannot be the standard of truth – Jesus’ message was offensive to many people. Should Jesus not have taught anything that people found offensive? I expect that Christians would answer this “Jesus should have  taught what he taught – even though it was offensive”.

You came back! Just like I thought you would! [XianTheist]

The Jews were wanting the messiah to come, but didn’t like what they got (Jesus version 1.0)

Now the Christians wanted me back, but they won’t like what they get Jesus version 2.3

It’s an interesting approach. They accept the words of the bible without question, but you try that same approach, they raise questions and doubts. It’s a shame they can’t point this same doubt and original thought towards the religion that inhibits them…
Later my leige… 😉

I’m working on it, thanks for understanding what I’m trying to do (test people’s faith in me).

You used to have smart, logical arguements…my respect for you has greatly declined since your recent insulting mockery.

Stick with this, something good can come out of it.

If you want to debate, fine. But, now you are just being rude and ignorant. And no one listens to an ignoramus.

Look, I’m either Jesus version 2.3, Liar or a Lunatic. Since I am not a liar, and I’m not a lunatic (I am a rational thinker when I need to be), obviously, I’m Jesus (v. 2.3). 

you are too cute. did yo know God made you that way. Jesus said whoever denies me on earth i will deny before my heavenly Father. i would watch yourself.

You are in danger of the very thing you accuse me of doing!  If you deny me on earth I will deny you before God. Watch YOURself!  God does not like it when people speak on His behalf.  And I’ve said it before, and my word was written (see previous entry) and my word is true.

If you do not quake with fear of the hellfire, what can save you? (It’s a rhetorical question, the implied answer is the right one – nothing)

Have faith! Have faith! Have faith! I will save you from the bad things!

Log in to write a note
March 13, 2004

Sounds logically sound. Since you are neither, therefor you are. *shrugs* Makes sense to me. I can never claim to be a Christian. I am not worthy for what that man went through for the sins of the (Jewish/world) pouplace… I just can’t hack it. *shakes head* It upsets me that someone like that was only made to die. My only question is, are you Hebrew? ‘Cause, yah know, Jesus was a Hebrew ^-^

March 14, 2004

OK Jesus 2.3 I have faith in you. I have also missed reading your diary from Peace Walker as I was unable to get in it. My memory of what the password was staggered and I could not get the diary to respond. Now I know the password and have used it with a couple of other diaries. One of which you must visit as it is on religion and I want other entries like this one to refer to or put in my diary

March 14, 2004

I have just written an entry about your diary. I would put you on Readers Choice but we are only allowed one per month I think. I will try it anyway. At any rate this set of entries would be the number one best that I have read for many a year of reading. Number one best for think tank. Number one best sermon. Make that second best sermon or a tie. Most of all just simply #1 BEST

March 14, 2004

Your theory is sound…speaking from one form of DNA evolving from Jews, pagans, and the many sec’s of the Christian community

March 14, 2004

I know you aren’t Jesus, but the point you are trying to get accross is absolutely great! When Jesus comes back, will we believe it is him? Will we believe what he says? Will we be ignorant to the truth? Well anyway, maybe you are Jesus.;)

March 14, 2004

The difference would be the attestation from people of faith for the claim to be taken seriously. And you would have to fall in line with the Decalogue. “By their deeds you will know them,” seems to come to mind. Still, it’s an interesting approach–an attack on the argument from ignorance. But of course, one attestation is insufficient to carry or swing the burden of faith.

I waited a little while for Jesus to come. But then my hand got tired.

How do you know you’re the second coming of Jesus? I was pretty sure it was me.

I don’t know if she’s trying to be funny or not, but sparkling grapefruit cracks me up. Zombywoof, who was trying to be funny, took the low road and the easiest pun. And you sir are actually riding this thing much further than is good for it. Stop and give your ideas some water, the noon day sun will fry your brain.

Christians are instructed by the Bible not to believe in people claiming to be Jesus. Jesus never said he would come back to earth trying to get people to believe in him (he is with God right now- AFTER the resurrection of saints he will come again to start the new kingdom). Actually, it would be more believable if you claimed yourself to be one of the two prophets which are prophesied to come.

But even that wouldn’t be believable. First of all, you have already professed yourself to be an atheist, and/or along the lines of agnostic-freethinker-skeptic. Jesus was none of those. Being that Jesus was Jewish (a rabbi, too) he believed in God and even said God is his father. He also said he is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. That means his knowledge remains constant. He cannot

possibly be you, because Jesus cannot contradict himself, because Jesus is not an atheist, because Jesus cannot return until God says it is time, because Jesus is not going to be be born of another woman again (you claim to have a mother), because Jesus will only return after the resurrection of saints.

On a side note- are you familiar of Christopher Hitchens? Do you admire him? Is he your atheist messiah?

This diary should be shut down.

March 14, 2004

I believe in you! I think that the words on this page are sufficient evidence to believe in you and devote my whole life to you. I know that there’s no PROOF of you at all, but I have faith. And who needs proof when you have faith, right? Proof is bad. *Bows down and worships you* Heehee… 🙂

Religion is a lie. Everyone who left a note on here is an idiot. Who the hell cares man. ~Brie

March 14, 2004

mmm. jesuslicious.

March 14, 2004

This is brilliant. You just so got added to my favorites…and I went back and an entry or two and saw that note from crusier; “weeping and gnashing of teets.” Classic. Nothing quite like humorous bible misquotes while condemning someone. Hey, your argument is sound…who’s to say you’re not the second coming?

March 14, 2004

wow. some people have wayyyyyyyyyyy too much time on their hands. i guess you are one of those people who enjoy making things up just for the sole purpose of ticking people off. whatever. i can see why people would be bothered by your claims. but it’s your right to say what you want, just as much as it’s their right to fight against you. which, as far as i can tell, is what you want.

March 14, 2004

I’m not offended as many people here by the idea of calling yourself Jesus. I think if I wanted to be offended it’s that you insult the intelligence of people reading this, a group I just became a member of. I see where you’re going and it doesn’t end in anywhere near as brilliant a point as you seem to think it does. It falls more under the category of harrassment than revelation.

March 14, 2004

“but it’s your right to say what you want, just as much as it’s their right to fight against you. which, as far as i can tell, is what you want. [lilies_4_moi]” No, I want them to change – but the change is only useful if they discover why they should change, and then change themselves.

I can’t say I specifically believe in ANY version of Jesus (at least as the lamb of God). Your diary however is one of the most interesting I’ve come across

*Stretches and yawns* Thought you might enjoy!

Dear Jesus Give My Bf A Bigger Dick :)Amen

oops forgot to sign it! 😀

Wow, someone wants to shut you down. Would they be the Romans 2.3? I wonder if they have lions…

You should listen to Lillia- she’s got you! You’re just a man, a human like the rest of us- all you can do is debate and argue, but that just proves my point. You know, He made you so wonderfully YOU, and your deal is no worse than any of ours. He’s always waiting for you- all you have to do is call out with a little of that faith you have in yourself, and he’ll answer you; but not like you think.

He is a still, small voice so often, than it’s easy to miss, so you have to REALLY look. And if you don’t find right then, talk to Him some more & look some more- those who seek Him WILL find Him, and I guarantee you He’ll blow your mind. He’s way more than I ever imagined, or cared to believe before I knew Him. And knowing Him is so much better than you think it is, I guarantee it!!!

HEY SCARLETT’S FLAME: you’re right> Religion is a lie, & won’t save you- it’s your RELATIONSHIP with God that will save you- he knows his “sheep” (wanna put the word “friends” there?!) and they know HIS VOICE. And noone can say you do or don’t have that but YOU. Tell me this: would you come back to invite to YOUR kingdom all the haters & wannbe’s that just SAY they are your friends? Think about it

That’s why He says it the Bible “work out YOUR salvation with FEAR & TREMBLING”. Your responsibility to invite Him in your life & make Him a PART of your life> he gives you the choice.

ah, but you are a liar. and why do people always say “accept the Bible wihtout quesitoning”? i mean…ive question, and ive accepted because none of the questions were enough for me to doubt what i know to be true. if the point is to be a thinking, intelligent human being and make informed decisions, i, as a Christian, have done so. why do you belittle this? -liZardQueen

i could be behind in the times, but arent Christians often bashed for wanting to change the beliefs of others? to quote thinking bum: “No, I want them to change – but the change is only useful if they discover why they should change, and then change themselves.” who’s preaching now? -liZardQueen

as for the entry: “so if anyone tells you, ‘there he is, out in the desert’, do not go out; or ‘here he is, in the inner rooms’, do not believe it. for as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.” (mathew 24:26-27) it is warm and clear, and i apoligize, but there is not a hint of lightning in my night sky. -liZardQueen

March 21, 2004

Jesus can’t be Atheist because He’s part of Trinity and has to believe in Himself. If you don’t first belive in yourself then you cannot exist among the presence of others. Read your Bible Jesus talks about The Father constantly so He believes He’s there He even (gasp) talks to Him.

twylite: how do you know that the little voice in your head isnt just you going crazy? good set of entries, BUM. ::applauds::