Jesus; Great Moral Teacher…What did he teach?


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So I just killed a giant spider in my room… not cool.  Since I now have a bunch of adrenaline running through my system, and I’m not going to sleep anytime soon, I figured I’d write a quick entry.


So here’s the entry.


I’m reading Josh MacDowell’s book, “More than a  carpenter” and it’s running through the tired CS Lewis argument – Lord, Liar, or Lunatic argument.


I’ve dissected that pitiful argument before, but I have a question for anyone and everyone out there.


People tend to say that Jesus was a great moral teacher… that he was a moral genius or something along those lines.  Like, you’ll hear people say, “well, I don’t believe that Jesus was divine, but think that his message was amazing…”


Ok, so here’s my request:


Please list 3 good things that you think Jesus taught.  And I’m asking for a moral teaching of some kind, as in, if you think that his saying, “give flowers to children” was a fantastic idea, then list that one.


If you have way more than 3, feel free to keep going, I’m just asking for 3 good ones. And if they’re Jesus originals, all the better.



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July 10, 2006

Im not exactly sure what youre looking for. And I myself have plenty of questions about the Christian Religion, but I think Jesus taught many good morals. Off the top of my head he taught not to hate. Its harder said then done. And it seems impossible but its more like hate what the person does. and I like that he taught “Those without sin, cast the 1st stone”. You know wich no one is perfect and

July 10, 2006

everyone sins. umm what else…Do not judge others”, he told them. “And don’t worry about things. God will take care of you but yeah anyways later

July 10, 2006

‘Whoever comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and even life itself, cannot be my disciple.’ (Luke 14:26)

July 10, 2006

well first of all jesus set the ultimate example of love, by dying on the cross. and his Father loved us so much that he sent his son in our place. 1 John 4:10 –“This is love: not that we loved God, bu that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.

July 11, 2006

Jesus taught us not to judge, taught us to love thy neighbor as thy self, taught us to respect and love our parents, taught us that there is a penalty to sin, taught us that our God loves us which I think it the best of all.

July 15, 2006

Ew, spiders. I’m terrified of them. I personally don’t believe that Jesus was a moral “genius”, but I think that he was a good teacher of the Torah to people living at that time. He reminded people of the ways that G-d would want them to act, and spoke about peace and love for one another. Nothing he said was anything new really, it had pretty much all been laid out by G-d in the years before,

July 15, 2006

but Jesus obviously had ways of getting through to people (since people still follow him today). I guess that means that he was just a really good teacher.

July 17, 2006

nope didn’t do the video myself… just found it & thought it was cool

(1.) Money/prestige make it difficult to be pious. (Mt. 19:23). (2.) Anxiety is harmful. (Mt. 6:25). (3.) Evil acts are largely based on intentionality rather than external objects. (Mt. 7: 18)….. I do not think that Jesus was entirely original, so to speak, with any of these precepts.

July 31, 2006

Wow, 12,329 NOTES!! spin doctor extraordinaire

October 3, 2006

Parable of the Good Samaratin is the main one I think of, among others.