God thought to Add a few things after He Died…

Apparently God Himself comes down to the earth to share his message with the world…

But he doesn’t get very far – In 30 years or so, GOD has convinced a few people – but the vast majority of people that GOD encounters are relatively unimpressed with GOD.

Then GOD is killed and comes back. His message and work is complete…or is it?

Years later, people write down “GOD’s teachings” – or what they remember of them (God didn’t think to write them down Himself).

But the followers of GOD decided that HIS message was incomplete, so other people (Paul, various other NT writers) had to ADD to finish off GOD’s message.

They say: NO NO NO, You see, God KNEW His message would be incomplete – so He Finished His own message THROUGH the later people. He MEANT to leave it incomplete.

Ah yes, the old “How is Happened is How it was Meant to Be!” – a very convincing argument.

One other thing that is kinda weird to me:

So God/Jesus pays the debt for all mankind. Which means that no man has the debt anymore – but apparently even though the debt is paid, we still have to do things… we have to “believe” that the debt is paid, or it doesn’t count. Weird kind of debt.

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you are quite knowledgeable (though, surely do not need my say so). i’m just curious if you know the Christian basis of (what seems to be a largely fabricated) belief that homosexuality is wrong. i’m going to try to see if it’s in one of your earlier entries.

go to http://www.twelvetribes.com and type in “connecting with your conscience” and read on…

I’m curious. In all serious, I was wondering what your belief on how the world and everything in it came to exist. Are you an evolutionist or what is your belief on that if any? I am sure you’ve already gone over this just refer me to the proper place to find it because I’m too lazy to search through it for myself. Thanks.

Ok, Christ-follower here to point out some things. 1. God did NOT leave his message complete, we just haven’t finished “reading” it, in a way. You have to try to start thinking fifth-dimensionally, outside of time. 2. God knows your heart, no matter what. You must remember that. 3. It wasn’t an automatic payment, like so many think it is. What Christ did was take the “bill” and…(cont)

basically say to you “If you want Me to pay this for you, then it’s done. Don’t worry about it. But you have to tell me that you want it paid for.” This ties in to 3, about God knowing your heart. If you don’t accept the payment, then it isn’t paid. Simple as that. It’s like if I wrote you a cheque. Yeah, the payment is there, but you don’t reap the benefit unlessy you go to the bank and…(cont)

cash it. And 5. If you decide to reject this at first, it’s always there for you. You can go cash the cheque any time after it’s offered. But, total rejection of God (“Stay out of my life, I don’t need you, I hate you, etc.”) is like ripping up the cheque. You might not get another chance at it. 6. You don’t have to “do” anything but believe. How simple is that!!!

we don’t have to do things to get into Heaven, but we do these things because we want to. It’s a labour of love… It’s not how many times you have helped old ladies across the street or given money to the church, it’s your heart that matters. God has given us commandments… advice on living our lives. If someone invents something (cont.)

(cont.) if someone invents something, who knows how to operate it and take care of it better than the one who made it? it’s like that with God, he made us and knows whats best for us

May 30, 2004

I am impressed with the notes. Must read back through your diary to catch up again. So much to learn and question, so little time to learn it.

“go to http://www.twelvetribes.com and type in “connecting with your conscience” and read on… ” Aww. You just don’t give up, do you, Daveed? =) Or was it just me that you “could no longer continue” to talk with? đŸ˜‰

May 30, 2004

What does it mean to be free? What does it mean to be free? What does it mean to be free? What does it mean to be free? What does it mean to be free? What does it mean to be free? What does it mean to be free? What does it mean to be free? What does it mean to be free? What does it mean to be free? What does it mean to be free? What does it mean to be free? What does it mean to be free? have fun!!

May 30, 2004

it is just baby steps, that is why Jesus had the secret messages to be released later. for he realize that mankind was not ready for the whole message. but he hints at it. Love your neighbor as yourself. and over the years we have taken enough of the steps that we can begin to glimps the glory that the Christ saw for mankind

May 30, 2004

oh im sorry i forgot who i am talking to. i agree it is kind of silly, the whole idea that men can create a organization that represents the devine is silly. but it also serves a perspose and it is kind of nice to live in a world were murder and theft are widely regarded as sinful

May 30, 2004

in an infenate universe all things possible happen infenatly. thus all that is is the probablity wave of all choices. so with FREE will we can pick what world we want to live in. we live in the world that contains the things that are possible that we chose. thus our history is kind of odd as looking back from this track but it happend a lot of diffent ways, i am sure some make more sence. love,

May 31, 2004

And of course eventually Martin Luther came along and said wait a minute – the Church has it all wrong! And then eventually Joseph Smith comes along and said wait a minute – gOd tells me that Luther, the Church, and everyone else has had it all wrong for centuries! It’s like listening to an endless series of people shouting out “My delusions are more real than your delusions!”