God, promote some responsibility! Jesus Christ…

it seems ironic that jesus would die just so no more animals would die…. and besides, who set this process up to begin with? god. that’s the main reason i do not believe in christianity– any god that needs a human/animal/divine sacrafice and cannot come up with a more efficent way to do business is not someone i care to associate with. [Pulchritude]

I agree. Any god that not only promotes, but says that the only way to atone for bad things that you’ve done, is to allow the deserved punishment that bad act merits fall on something other than you, is not a god that should be praised.

Jesus Christ. They say, “You have done things so wrong you deserve torture for eternity. BUT, if you believe that this CRAZY thing happened a LONG time ago…then that punishment will fall onto the ONLY person who never DID deserve it.”

I’m sorry, but that seems like a Just God testing people to see if they fall for the “easy way” out..

I prefer to promote responsibility for your actions – but then again, I’m not a Christian.

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uhuh. I’m agreeing. Yea! schelsiemoore

My spiritual master explained that in ancient times animal sacrifices were allowed to test the priest’s power. The animal’s life was rejuvenated though or promoted immediately to human form. But these sacrifices were mostly meant for fools interested in temporary material happiness and ultimately condemned by saintly persons, such as Lord Buddha. He led people away from the Vedic sacrifices.

i guess the creator rules.

May 10, 2004

I don’t understand your line of reasoning. If the punishment is death, you’re saying you’d rather die than let the blame fall on an animal? That strikes me as a little odd. In addition, I still think you’re missing the important parts of the atonement process. But then again, maybe I’m off my nut. That’s certainly possible.

May 10, 2004

Another quick thing…the sacrificial process is entirely separate from social justice in the OT. So in one very important sense, a sacrifice is only concerned with the eternal consequence of actions. The lex talionis is still in full effect with social justice. There are entire sections of the Mosaic law that address social justice and retribution, but that is separate from atonement for sin.

It’s literature. What do you expect?

May 10, 2004

Do U think man can reach God on his own merits? Is anyone good enough alone? The life is in the blood.. there is a consequence for sin and a bill must be met.. even in the garden at the begining the first sacrafice.. a partern set.. I’m curious why do you spend so much time argueing against Christianity? Is it that hard to swallow when U look inside and see the truth?

May 11, 2004

Nice closing… I personally believe that if there is indeed an afterlife, it would be based on what you’ve done, not believing in Arbitrary Diety X. You are rewarded for being a good person, regardless of your motivation for doing so.

May 11, 2004

i agree more responsiblity must be taken, for we are god, and as such our toughts and actions ripple across all creeation. much love, kit

May 12, 2004

RYN: Given the argument, yeah… that’d be an accurate conclusion. If God is the creator of the metaphysical “right” and “wrong”, it does lead to a fear that such things are arbitrarily decided–afterall, what “higher” source could “the highest source” appeal to? None. Its not my favorite view, but certainly one strong theory concerning norms and God.

The physical pain felt by Christ was a minimal sacrifice, you are correct. But only when you put in it perspective of the ultimate sacrifice of the SPIRITUAL death he suffered when separated from his father on the Cross. His sacrifice was going to hell–that is, complete separation from God. I’m surprised you didn’t know that by now.

May 13, 2004

“His sacrifice was going to hell–that is, complete separation from God. I’m surprised you didn’t know that by now.” Oh, so he went to hell – when? how do you know this? how long?

May 13, 2004

He was there for a few hours. PLays a mean hand of poker. Texas holdem..back then we called it Euphrates hold’em. Well I do have to say this, whether he really is the Son or is God or some dude doesn’t matter. What he taught and his words have obviously fueled the fire to the point that you put most of your effort into proving his power or lack there of. and everyone else joins in the

May 13, 2004

Gaggle F*U*C*K of opinions and bible quotes. It matters little what you might prove or disprove. There is a power beyond the control of a mans critic, it’s called control and faith. these lead to beliefs and that creates religion. You might as well settle and pick a religion. Try snake handling, or golden calf idol-ing. What ever works for you.! ItÂ’s going to be what kills us all anyways.

May 13, 2004

damn golden calf….

I agree that Pitt is a better actor than Bloom..but sorry. Brunettes are just so much more sexier than blondes. In my humble opinion, though. From what I see you’re a brunette also so maybe you should be proud women prefer brunettes over blondes. 🙂

jus something id quite like some1 to clear up for me its guna be hard to explain- if jesus dies so we could live and i cant think of the exact quote but sumit to tht effect, but jesus never died he had eternal life in heaven which apparently we would get , but then if you argue he did die but then went to heaven then humans die too which surely is contrary to “life everlasting”

sorry that was badly written and explain but if you get it please comment 🙂

May 17, 2004

RYN: True, pending where you draw the line. God never “said” he was punishing anyone other than Eve. That the pains were increased for her means neither that there were no pains for woman prior, nor that women now experience anything more drastic than the “normal” pains.

No…Not Zeus.. God, as in the God of the Bible. I believe that when people are truly uncertain of themselves in life and whatnot they long to disprove other’s religions…(Christianity often being the brunt of it all). Why not prove something? What do you believe? No reason to be constantly angry. Find out the meaning of life for yourself and live it!

May 17, 2004

[*ironic*] I think I understand your point. Did Jesus die for our sins? Yes. What happened? He stopped living on earth and went to heaven for eternity. That’s dying? Yes. So when I accept Jesus I get “everlasting life”? Yes. What happens? Your life on earth stops and you go to heaven for eternity. If that’s having eternal life, what did Jesus have?