Description is not explanation.

The reason why there is pain and suffering is because it is the only way to understand what being human really is. [Mental Displasia]

That’s not an explanation – we have pain and suffering because that’s how we were made?

If it is the only way to understand what being human is, then that’s God’s fault as well. [A Thinking BUM]

You can’t blame god for anything. Blame yourself, pain and suffering the only way to understand what it means to be human. If there was no pain or suffering you wouldn’t learn a f–king thing. [Mental Displasia]

I don’t blame god for anything. I bet that we’re similarly aligned as far as what we actually believe, however, in trying to promote non-sloppy thinking we’ve come across a dispute.

These notes were left on a person’s entry that asked, “if God loves us, why is there suffering?”

I pointed out an error in your [mental displasia]’s thinking.

Not only do you disregard any argument about amount of pain or suffering, but look at it only as an entire class argument.

You use how something actually is, as a reason for WHY it is. Which is not a reason at all.

For example, if someone asked, “Why do cars have wheels?”

Your response would be similar to:

The reason why cars have wheels is because that’s the only way that a car could really truly be a car.

Personally, I do not think that there is some cosmic reason for pain and suffering.

Are there times when suffering teaches a person something? Yes.

Does that mean that that is the “reason” for the suffering? No.

Does that mean that suffering is necessary for teaching a person anything? No.

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stop wasting people’s time

My neice was just diagnosed with leukemia. I have asked my self why countless times. I have been angry at God, I have been angry in general. I dont know why, I dont know anything at this point. I have not talked to God in a long time, but now we are on a first name basis. Aside from the fact that i do believe that there is a reason for everything, did this happen to bring my family closer?

to bring god back into my life? who knows? does it really matter? This note did have something to do with your entry but i kind of went blank…anyhow, since im here i might as well ask. if your religious, spiritual, whatever…will you please pray for my neice.

December 28, 2004

those two unsigned notes were from me

December 28, 2004

The reason there is pain and suffering is because Adam sinned. That brought pain and suffering and death into the world. And mankind has continued to sin ever since.

December 28, 2004

“If there was no pain or suffering you wouldn’t learn a f–king thing.” 1) I think I’ve actually learned much more from pleasure than pain. 2) Do people really learn anything from pain beyond how better to avoid it? 3) If knowledge in fact did come only from pain, my guess would be most people would prefer to remain ignorant and pain-free.

December 28, 2004

4) If you still think pain is a good, essential thing, can I smack you?

December 28, 2004

Without pain, you truly can’t appreciate bliss.

December 30, 2004

no, the fastest growing religion in the US is Islam. and why are they crazy? is it just religion in general that’s crazy, or is there something specific about the church of jesus christ and latter saints and islam that you think is particularly insane? just curious.

December 30, 2004

there are lots of reasons for religion, and for people to believe in religion. to just dismiss a set of beliefs just because you don’t believe them is basically dismissing a huge part of every human culture and history on earth.

Look I follow Karma and a couple of other things. What I believe makes sense to me and what you believe makes sense to you. I’m not here to argue and fight cause personally I think it gets everyone no where, but if you want to I can.