BUM vs. O’Reilly


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I was trying to fall asleep tonight, and my mind was racing like crazy… somehow it wandered into what I would say in an imaginary argument with Bill O’Reilly regarding a specific plan that I have for the future [which I may go into in the future].  I eventually came up with a beautifully insidious response to an imagined parry by O’Reilly… 

Essentially, take the exact form of the rhetoric that Christians use about homosexuality and mirror it toward their beilefs.  Thought it was an interesting result… lemme know what you think.

Belonging to a religion is a choice.  No one is "born Christian" – they have to be recruited. It’s a pernicious lifestyle that’s highly attractive to impressionable children. The leaders of many of these Christian and other religious  movements have no shame in actively recruiting young children.

I fully identify with the Christians who say, "Hate the sin, love the sinner." 

Except that I say, "Hate Christianity, but love the Christians."

The hearts and minds of children everywhere are too precious to allow this deviant lifestyle to lead them into darkness. I strongly feel that we need to embrace Christians, in a loving attempt to show them the light.

To the ones that have already succumbed, it is not too late to cure your Christianity.  There are support groups that are out there, and science has shown that it is possible cure.  But many people who eventually come out of the lifestyle have psychological scars that they carry for the rest of their lives.

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August 28, 2006

I’d love to see his reaction to that.

August 28, 2006

“BUM vs. O’Reilly” – That would make a great Pay-per-View event. Much more exiting than two grown men beating each other up with padded boxing gloves. O’Reilly would probably respond that it is the “right” or “correct” choice.

August 28, 2006

I’ve never seen O’Reilly say anything so pro-christian as that.. though I stopped watching a long time ago.

August 28, 2006

RYN: Honestly, I couldn’t tell you why. I have no real reasoning behind it. It’s just something I’ve always felt, though I really dislike the term angels. I suppose it’s because I believe in the possibility of higher and ascended beings. By the way, I used to read your diary somewhat regularly. 🙂

August 28, 2006

“never seen O’Reilly say anything so pro-christian as that…” I didn’t have O’Reilly say anything in this entry… this is only what my response would be.

August 29, 2006

I know you didn’t. I mean that I don’t think he would say anything like that, so why do you think he would?

August 29, 2006

RYN: To say that christianity is the right choice. I don’t think he would say that.

August 30, 2006

LOL! Wonderful!

September 1, 2006

RYN: Except the whole “Atheism goes hand in hand with genocide” is the most widely used arguement against atheism. Though I do not agree with it, I can’t help the ignorance of others. And true to life Muslims don’t kill others to serve Allah. Like Hitler, Al Queida are extremists. There is virtually no difference between the two other than their different name for God.

September 2, 2006

That has no base in any scripture of any religion. Wouldn’t it be unfair for God to use a sliding scale of good vs. evil compared to what we think? For instance, I believe that it’s wrong/makes you a bad person if you lie, whereas someone else thinks it’s okay as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else. Who’s right? Where would a liar go since in two people’s opinions they were good or bad?

September 2, 2006

RYN: So Hitler was, as they say a “good Christian?” Most Christians don’t recognize the fact that he was Christian. Anyone can up and say they are a Christian, and actually believe it. But it doesn’t mean they actually are. The same can be said for Muslims. Just because they call their Bible the Koran, and call God Allah doesn’t make the above comparison any less true. There are plenty of

September 2, 2006

Muslims in the world that think what the Al Quieda is doing is flat out wrong. But people are using Al Queida as their main basis for comaparison, saying all Muslims are evil, just as people say all atheists are evil because of Stalin.

September 3, 2006

You don’t think God would reveal any of his plans to us? The word of God has proven right and has proven steadfast for thousands of years. Something like 99 percent of the Bible has gone untouched, the only things that have been changed are a few grammar issues, nothing that disproves the Bible’s vitality.

September 3, 2006

God’s plan for us, including afterlife is found in the Bible. There is no guesswork, there is no who is better than who

September 3, 2006

I always feel so bad for kids who are forced into evangelizing. A good friend of mine once worked somewhere and they had a camp of middle schoolers come through her place. These kids had guest speakers every day, and one person told them that if these kids didn’t convert their friends, the kids themselves would go to hell. That had a lot of the kids very upset and crying. Now they are….

September 3, 2006

….more scared into a religion than anything. People should choose their own set of beliefs based on personal choice and experience, not have someone else brainwash them or choose it for them!

September 5, 2006

90% of the Bible is untouched? Bwa ha ha haaaaaaa! Jesus Chrsit! Look at the history of the Bible, its many excisions, translations, etc… God, read a history book one day.

September 8, 2006

Haha that’s great that you know about Sweet Valley! How would a male come to read SVH books?

Too many Christians have this false idea that they should change their label, just because some people misunderstand it. Christianity is just about following Jesus. There’s nothing to hate about it… except the connotation some link with it, which is not Christianity’s fault. Ooo, I like you. You made me think. Thanks for your random note!

September 25, 2006

ryn: What do you mean by that? I don’t see irony in just the statement “Being negative never helped anyone.” 🙂

RYN: ATB, now using that same logic lets say you were a good citizen and never broke any laws for 29 of your 30 years and then you murder someone. Should the judge pardon you because 95% if your life was good? Of course not. Then why would God be any difference since every man will stand before him as judge. In fact it would only be righteous if the judge sentenced you for your crime.

LOL! Christians..recruited? Never heard it like that before…Just remember, in your never ending fight to drive Christianity out of the world…for everything genuine, there is a counterfiet. And one day..I hope you truly decide what you really believe. later.