Brief response to Scootz

what are you saying here?That you only want to go to Heaven if it’s ‘good enough’ for you.

No, I thought I very clearly said that I think that an afterlife that is as good as I am good and bad as I am bad is perfectly fair and something that I would settle for. (This is the person who has stated that she believes the Bible is the truth, but doesn’t understand what it’s saying.)

Let me tell you, it is BETTER thsn you!We can’t create our own personal ‘hevan’.YOU don’t deserve to go to heaven!

Well sure, not a perfect one, which is why I brought up my solution.

God sent His only Son to die for YOUR sins so that YOU can go to heaven!

Sounds like something God should be punished for doing.

I would think that you’d be sorry for sinning and making God die!

“Making God die” what the hell are you talking about. Is Jesus alive? You’d say “yes” – so what kind of “death” did he have? He went from earthly existence to a perfect heaven for all eternity? Some sacrifice!

Don’t critizize what you don’t belive!!! [scootz51]

I’m sure you don’t mean that one at all…

Do you think that it’s all right to criticize people who are racist?

If so, do you think that a person has to be a racist to be able to criticize the racists? Or do you think you should retract your statement?

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hehe ur funny guy BUM, but in your case u shouldn put this on the laughin side,. ur mockin and jokein on the living god. to say that he should be punished for givin us the only way to salvation, is madsense. he created everything and has the real right to do so. if u buy a ipod, than u wouldnt mind that appel tells you what to do with it right,. hehe samesong, but ur just not really thinkin boutit

for jesus to go to heaven,.. he gave up heaven to die for us,.. so dont say his death came easy, for he also too the weight of our sins with to the earthly(body) death. when he says dont make god die, he means not to make him feel more pain that he allready has lookin upon us,.. ull understand if you had kids, or peops you care about; for it feels like death when love is been attacket

Look, I do realize that I may have come across wrong.I was writting in rage yesterday and now I’m writting so you can understand.God sent His Son Jesus to earth, to pay the price for our sin.Everyone of us is a sinner.Sin is everything we have done wrong.Every lie.The penelty for that sin was death.Jesus died on the cross-taking the place of us.He loves us so much that He died for us.And yes,..

afterwards He did rise from the grave. Everyone of our sins will be accounted for in the end.Jesus will come back, and take all the belivers with Him to Heaven.Those left behind will perish, because Satan will have taken over the world for a seven year period called the Tribulation.In this time the unbelivers can repent.Jesus will come back after the seve years and make the world Heaven like.

All the unbelivers will go to hell.If you repent you will have eternal life with Jesus.He loves you.He loves you more than anything in creation.

“But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness” (2 Peter 3:10 and 11)

*looks at above noter* I bet you get such a kick out of people like that, doncha, BUM? 😛

Did Jesus have a choice in coming here? I dont think so. Daddy sent Him. And after spending 33 years or so on planet Hell, Im sure he was singing Swing Low Sweet Chariot when he was asked if He wanted to come home…

well its hard to somewhat comprehend,.. god is in jesus and jesus in god, the trinity is one unit,.. so when god sent jesus, he send himself, therfor its gods own will to send himself (aka emanuel-god inperson). also jesus was born for that reason, to die for us, and sit on the right side of god with power and authority, and that before adam had sinned. doesnt make it any easry for him to do so you believe in Heaven? If so, How do you get in to Heaven?

Have you read the WHOLE BIBLE? i strongly encourage you to do so. maybe you can prove it wrong?

November 30, 2004

Don’t be a jerk. DOn’t pick on her please! ~Love in Christ~ ~Bonnie~

Do notes in which spelling and grammer are completely lost bug you as much as they do me? I know there are often simple mistakes, but all those years spent learning to speak and write correctly seem to have been thrown out the window by some of your noters. And before some of those noters begin screaming bloody murder, I am referring to more than just the notes on this entry alone. [lillake]

why do u worrie about the grammer, it is the msg that is fare more important, ill leave letters/grammer out to save space often, to write things the correct way as for proper english is cosmetics only, not the kernel of what is writen… i believe in heaven, more than that i know ther is a heaven, and the only way is through jesus. if finished the new testament and am on numbers(started from gen)

my undestandin/inside is alot more based in what has been shown to me by god in revelations/visions/etc. the bible backs that up what if seen, addin more inside that r in words. been in war is not the same as readin bout war(4ex), seen the war gives more to gip on than readin bout it. tho mixin both together is the best way for understanding; like runnin a buiss and havin the numbers

December 1, 2004

*shakes head* Sometimes, I wish my Christian brothers and sisters would just keep their views to themselves. I know that’s wrong and horrible and sad, but it is these kinds of arguments that make my attempts a logic get disrespected before I even complete my first sentence. I don’t think it’s more spiritual to have some transcendent experience rather than making a logical argument. *sigh*

December 1, 2004

You know, reading all these notes (read what i wrote in BUms previous entry at the end) And it occurs to me. Religion is something that must remain personal. How can i find faith in ideas that artificially construct our existance into nothing more than someones grandios plan? Religious can and does succeed at a personal level. That is fine. It helps GUIDE you thru life. But when that personal

December 1, 2004

becomes an act of will on others, it transforms into the acts of man..not of God. God is personal on all levels but should never be anything but. When it consumes a culture, a society, a way of life, it corrupts. The idea is pure but controlled by people. This is why BUM and people like me want to grow beyond our need to run to a father to protect us. We want to be held accountable for all our

December 1, 2004

all our actions. It is religious that makes men raise swords in defiance to new ways. There is no accountability when your actions are under then control of something more powerful. well the Nuremburg trials stated once and for all that an individual is as responsible for his actions as that as his leader. If it is wrong and harms others do not do it. Makes sense. Why then in the past Christian,

December 1, 2004

Jew, Mulim so readily gave thier hearts and minds to an Idea that made sense on a personal level, but like lemmings they all ran blindly forward hoping one of them leads. Prime example are some of the noters here to cry take Jesus into your heart, take him into your life…give your mind to him. No thank you. I will not fall to the Opiate, I will not hand over my life to anyone alive or dead.

December 1, 2004

Until we grow up leave the cradle and say to Daddy, it’s time to go…we will forever be like children on a play ground fighting and hurting each other. One day its the Christians, the next the Muslims. Each side says.. i didnt do it.he made me do it. He hit me so i hit him back..nahah, he hit me first.. and so on. Smae old crap. Love humanity first, God second. Be accountable for you not to him.

December 1, 2004

I’m quite sure that there is both a God and heaven. Not only that, but I think it is much better argument logically, and explains the all the available information about the universe better than other solutions.-Stealthy Alright my friend. Tell us, we silly ignorant heathens, tell us why it is more logical? Why is a book writen so long ago correct over Hubble, Einstein? Hawking? Darwin? explain

December 1, 2004

That’s fairly easily done, when you consider all the data and what it seems to say. If you look at the anthropic coincidences argument, look critically at the theory of evolution as an impossible theory of origins, the arguments about morality and the existence of language words that qualify things on the basis of their relative goodness, there are a number of things that the existence of a god

December 1, 2004

just seems to explain better. If you talk about the varieties of cosmological arguments and design arguments, the state of the human condition, the arguments from beauty, I believe it explains everything better than the alternatives. Is it bulletproof? Of course not. But it is internally consistent, and it doesn’t deny the law of contradiction, of identity, bivalence or the excluded middle.

December 1, 2004

I’m content if it is conceded that God is at least logically possible, because it allows people to sort through the evidence for themselves. I’m not asking for some kind of special pleading. Everyone should just know what they believe and why. I see these caricatures of the faith that people poke fun at and disbelieve, and it just clouds the issue. If you don’t believe, that’s your responsibility.

December 1, 2004

” becomes an act of will on others, it transforms into the acts of man ” yip. Trying to bend others will is not a good thing. Not for Christians not for atheists. This, like many a bible banging diary, is designed for just such a purpose. The tools aren’t really logic and reason, they are belittlement and a condescending tone of superiority, but the intent is to bend will and faith.

December 1, 2004

Again, I agree with the ride. Dog is Doughnut! I loves him or her and not in a friendship way.

December 1, 2004

But if it is a matter of eternal consequence (and I believe very strongly that it is), then everyone should at least know what it is they disbelieve, instead of picking one caricature of the faith they use to discredit the whole of orthodoxy. That’s why the straw god argument infuriates me. It takes a faulty conception of God, sells it as the norm, and then makes it sound foolish to believe in God

December 1, 2004

As for the specific arguments themselves, I hope to get a chance to present them in my Aletheia18 diary as soon as I get done with the semester. I’ve got 9 projects/finals in the next 16 days, and I don’t really think I’ll have time before then. My only goal is to lay the table out in front of people and let them sort the evidence without being influenced by loaded language and condescension.

December 2, 2004

RYN: I’ve done alot of religious studies, trying to find somthing that made sense to me. This is what I’ve come up with. I don’t think that you have to be part of a standardized religion to have beliefs and faith. Other than that, not really any “proof”.

December 2, 2004

Stealth, calling me or others on a Straw god argument is pointless. First off we would have to believe in this ultimate power. Then we would have to have a true reason as to why we are arguing against this ultimate power. I do not accept your ideals. Therefore by me saying god is a poor leader to allow his soldiers to go on a glorious powerfest is a valid comment. it is true (if God exists)

December 2, 2004

If God does not exist i can freely say.. This group did this yadda yadda and in my mind, thru valid observation be correct about my statement that religion is nothing more than any government. Democracy at its core is a religion. A theology on how to live and govern your actions. As for science you gave me absolutly no proof. Just a wishy washy “the truth is out there” answer.

December 2, 2004

I want proof. Gimme something. Like NOT WHAT YOU do not have the credentials, the years upon years of scholary education in the sciences. I have, and decided to go into a creative medium. I am no expert but can decern the diff between a logic theory based after credible observation and an obsurd conclusion created from no scientific deduction. Philosophy is great, but not a science.

December 2, 2004

Sorry correction. I have some univsersity and amature education in biology and physics. I’m by no means claiming complete or utter knowledge in anything. I just want you to convince me without falling to the last desperate reach of a weak position..the argument of faith and feeling. If someone here can acurately counter sustained thoeries by proposing NEW theories based after observation, you win

Frankly one cannot argue creationism vs evolution or even the big bang. These are theories that are based upon observed phenomenon in nature. No where is creationism an observed sciience. Scientist also follow a set of rules to determine if something is right or wrong. and WHY. Religion is an absolute. Faith is the asusmption that what you have faith in Can never be a lie. that’s dangerous

December 6, 2004

“Democracy at its core is a religion. A theology on how to live and govern your actions.” Wow. I’d really like to see this statment refuted–any takers? P.S. Discern and Absurd. Just wanted to point that out because phonetic spellings BOTHER ME.

December 7, 2004

Ride: If you think I’m arguing faith and feeling what I’ve said, you’ve missed the point. The entire point of design arguments, the cosmological arguments and the anthropic coincidences arguments is that they use the same data all scientists use, but they don’t do all the storytelling that some modern scientists do. As I say, I’ll outline my specific arguments when I get time.