Blondiekt, I’m coming to UT!

Sweet, the entry editor now works in Mozilla…

News: I am headed to UT Austin this weekend for the physcis graduate school "open house". I have already been accepted to the physics Ph.D program at UT, and this should be a fun opportunity to visit the school and a lot of my old high school friends at their school.

So far, UT Austin is the only grad or law school that I’ve heard back from (of 8) – so I’m 100% accepted at this point.

I noted blondiekt a week ago or so, but I left it on an entry that was "favorites only" – so I don’t think my note would have shown up on the notelist, which is what I realized is what I check to see if I have new notes.

So, anyway, to partially repeat the notes here: I know that you go to school at UT Austin, and I was wondering if you’d like to grab a drink of coffee or something at some point. I’ll be in Austin from this Friday until Tuesday morning.

If not, I totally understand – the internet is a crazy place. I’ve always been kind of curious to meet a person in "real life" that has been active in the OD world…but I’m not interested in taking up much of your time, or in anything more than a good conversation.

If you’re not too busy to say hi, please e-mail me: either

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February 28, 2005

I just invented new words and definitions.

March 1, 2005

I added your hotmail address to my MSN list. Maybe when you’re online on day, we can chat… Later,

March 1, 2005

You know I didn’t even realize until that guy said something that that is a hotmail addy. Wow I feel stupid! — Bon

March 4, 2005

Excellent, what is you major? I’m going into High Enery Astrophysics. (St. Mary’s University in Halifax, NS).

March 4, 2005

Since I’ve re-read your entry I noticed that you are doing your doctorate and not your Master’s…so I think I’ll rephrase with “what is your thesis?”

I love it. There aren’t too many of us around. 8 in my year, and that’s the biggest class the university has seen yet. NSI ~ Stellar Evolution

March 8, 2005

Congratulations on being accepted to the UT program. I appreciate your discussion of religions. As a Jew, I particularly appreciate that we don’t believe others who don’t agree with us will end up in hell. In fact, it’s much easier to be “righteous” person and not be Jewish. In this life we have opportunities to do positive things, be kind to others, etc. and we have opportunities to (c)

March 8, 2005

do negative things, hurt others, etc. We are rightly judged in society by what we do; Jews believe G-d deals with us according to how we treat others, not what we think or feel. The integrity of our relationship to G-d is determined by the integrity of our relationship with others. Anyway, I am now droning on and must stop. Enjoy your visit to the campus. I dislike much of Texas, but (c)

March 8, 2005

am not so ignorant as to ignore the fact that there can be differences of opinion. I am also willing to admit that my dislike for Texas may be colored somewhat by a combination of experiences that date back more than 20 years, and a President from Texas who appears to have the intellect and moral conviction of a leech. Regards,

March 9, 2005

RYN: I don’t deny that there have been many civilizations that have been strong without the Christian faith. China has had a few good empires, Africa and India as well.

March 9, 2005

RYN : I know that whatever I believe doesn’t change reality or what’s true. I’m just trying to decide what I believe is the truth.

March 9, 2005

and btw, congrats on being accepted to UT :o) and good luck with the other schools!

March 11, 2005

RYN: Yeah, things *should* be different. And maybe someday they will be. Thanks again for doing all you do to bring that day a little closer. 🙂

March 11, 2005

PS – Do you know about this site?