2nd Coming Prophecy Inaccuracies…


People who go around calling others foolish had better bring a helping of intelligence behind it, or you’ll get torn up.

Vester, still hasn’t come up with a coherent thought, hopefully no one was holding his breath waiting on that one.

But tonight, it’s ulo’s turn. ulo4444…

was making a simple argument in Notliberal’s notes. It was in response
to what he had written about how JW’s were wrong about Jesus’ Second

Notliberal: “Christ
will not make multiple returns, He will make one. It will not be a
silent return only known by a few people. He will make a victorious
return and that’s the end.”

ATB: Please, before Jesus
came, people were expecting a messiah that was COMPLETELY different
than what Jesus ended up being. What makes you think his second coming
will be any more predictable? [A Thinking BUM]

Scripture doesn’t speak of multiple returns, it speaks of one return.
Only the father knows when that will be. [Notliberal]

And original scripture never talked about a messiah coming and dying
only to come back to fulfill the rest of the prophecies that he missed
the first time around. This is why there are still Jews today –
scripture never talked about ANY returns. [A Thinking BUM]

so this should be clear what’s happened. NL has said that he knows what
the 2nd coming of Jesus will be like because of scriptural prophecies.

pointed out that the Jews thought they knew what the coming of the
messiah would be like because of their scriptural prophecies, and that
Jesus was COMPLETELY different than what they were expecting BASED ON

NL: Scripture doesn’t speak of multiple returns of the messiah.

The Old Testament doesn’t speak of any “returns” of the messiah at all
– but according to Christians, there is going to be a return.

given that OT prophecies lead the followers of those scriptures to
expect a messiah that was completely different, without ANY “returns”
at all.

What makes you Christians think that the NT prophecies
will not lead the followers of these scriptures to expect a 2nd coming
that is COMPLETELY different than what the “real” 2nd coming will be?
Including the possibility of even more “returns”???
The OT didn’t speak of any, but they got 1 return.
The NT speaks of 1, what rules out a 2nd return?

OK, so there’s the argument. Ready for ulo’s response?

ULO: how many times will you answer things that partake of you foolishness (A) Thinking BUM.
read the scripture,
Matthew 10:34
“Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. [ulo4444]

do you think that misusing words like “partake” makes you sound any
smarter? How does that verse apply in ANY way to what was said?

see if you can respond to this argument in a way that at least
approaches the subject – I’m not asking for a GOOD answer…just one
that’s in the same realm.

Remember, if you’re going to go around
talking about foolishness, make sure you know what the conversation’s
about before you talk. That’s good advice that extends beyond the OD

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hehe easUP, i aint stuck with so called proper english; so let go of ma writings, if ya dont get the depth of ma words choosen, so be it was it ya foolishnes that i attacked or was it you!? umm musta been ya foolishnes for it raged up on haste. nop sry i dont debate religion, neither is there any need of ryn on that, so take this rage ya had cooked up, and examine it for your own benefit peace

March 22, 2005

Was that English?

March 22, 2005

“Was that English? [-Rebirth-]” One couldn’t help but wonder..

March 22, 2005

Holy run on setences, Batman! I find this amazingly funny how the two books (NT and OT) clash and present different stories. This is evidence that helps our side Bum because if both can’t happen, it means one of them is false. So since there is the possiblity that one of them is false, there is also the chance that both are. Meaning they’ll be waiting a long time for thie return… Later,

March 22, 2005

Ummmmm, Jews do NOT regard jesus as the messiah, period. He was just some dude. The messiah has not come. So, you can stop referring to Jews now. All that you talk about refers to Christianity so you might as well just stick to that.

March 22, 2005

ryn: Oh my Gosh, I’m like soooooo sorry, I was really tired when I read that. “Return” means after the first coming. Yeah I got it now, and I think I’m embarressing myself. First of all the noters who were making fun of Ulu . . . that’s just mean, people can’t help it if they’re English isn’t the greatest, (sorries I’m picky about that cause my bro hardly knows English) and second, I can see

March 22, 2005

both sides of this issue, so I’m not really one to debate it. The reason why, is simply because I know where each of you is coming from, and atcually I think both of you are right, and there was some misconstruing of the intents of the other person. Like the judge said on C-SPAN yesterday “I don’t believe the constitution should be interepreted tighly or loosly, I believe it should be

March 22, 2005

interpreted reasonably” so apply that thought to your everyday life. I think it’s some pretty good advice. — Bon

March 22, 2005

“Ummmmm, Jews do NOT regard jesus as the messiah, period. He was just some dude. The messiah has not come. So, you can stop referring to Jews now. [monkeybug]” What entry are people reading? Seriously.

March 22, 2005

“nop sry i dont debate religion” You’re right, ulo, you don’t debate religion. You merely insult whoever you disagree with, then post a random unrelated quote from the Bible – clearly that’s not any kind of “debate”. So, while you don’t “debate” – don’t insult people and expect respect in return. That’d be even more stupid than your comments.

ATB – It was prophesied however, that the Jews would not accept Jesus as their Messiah (well, obviously some did otherwise there would be no Christians with/without the Church founders). 🙂 Stellar Evolution – NSI

I have to admit, you are correct when it comes to the intelligence of some of your noters. Do you think they are just skimming? If so, they are putting their foots in their mouths. Stellar Evolution – NSI

March 22, 2005

Excuse me?? I was reading THIS pointless entry. You mentioned Jews to try to back up your point. I have no comment on the rest of your entry because jesus really doesn’t interest me in the slightest and I could give a rats ass about “his 2nd coming.” But you don’t need to use people who you clearly don’t know very much about, to back up your opinion.

Ulo obviously seems to think that speaking unintelligibly is a sign of brilliance. Poor delusional thing.

March 22, 2005

http://biblia.com/jesusbible/prophecies.htm this is a great site linking the old testament and the new testament together to show that Jesus is the Son of God, but was this really what you were looking for? I’m willing to debate but all you do is bash and argue

March 22, 2005

Well said, very logical. Of course, logic and religion very rarely go well together, but I’ve got to give you kudos for trying.

I find it funny how religious fanatics (sp?) quote the bible as if that is the only source of evidence…please, quote other sources! Why not? Because maybe they can’t find another source….other sources probably contradict them.

March 24, 2005

While I agree somewhat with your indignation BUM, the argument style you’ve used here doesn’t follow logically. Your form seems to be: 1.) The First Century Jews made a mistake about interpreting prophecies. 2.) Christian Orthodoxy has prophecies. 3.) Therefore, Christian Orthodoxy will make mistakes about interpreting prophecies. If that is the form you’ve used, it doesn’t follow.

March 24, 2005

There is no relation that you’ve demonstrated between the two groups to make anyone believe that they are similar. While I’m not defending ulo, I do think that this form of argument is just a bit ad hominem. It seems to say that because one group of people made a mistake, another is bound to do so, inextricably. That doesn’t have to be true logically, unless there is another proof you present.

that comment to ulo was pretty hurtful bum. empathy indeed