Oh Where Oh Where

dragon19.jpg picture by boondoxxx

Here i am Long Time huh… Well ive been occupied with poker online…. and no luck lol a couple buxs here and there but nothing fancy i figured i should prolly write before they delete me! So here it is. Im still working on the short Story but ive been working on some cool graphics here is a few that ive been working on.

oakilicious.gif picture by boondoxxx dragonclan.gif picture by boondoxxx

coc2.jpg picture by boondoxxx jokerzwild.gif jokerz wild picture by boondoxxx ozi_balta.jpg picture by boondoxxx ringmaster1.jpg picture by boondoxxx carnivalofcarnage.jpg picture by boondoxxx norgo42.jpg picture by boondoxxx the_xercist.jpg picture by boondoxxx jokerzwild-1.gif picture by boondoxxx Hope you all like em Its for my Poker Clan and Clique i have going On!!!!

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