I know I know….. I haven’t kept constantly writing in here like I have meant to. I have to keep it in my head WRITE ATLEAST TWO TO THREE TIMES A WEEK XD  alot has changed here’s the short version lol. I Don’t work at the rastarent anymore. I work at Walmart now and I love it. And I have moved again with a childhood friend of mine. I absolutely love it. It’s going great. I’m finally getting everything together. Its all coming together. I’m not stressed out anymore and now all i have to do now is work on getting my license and I’m already half way their for saving for a car.

I don’t talk to *biological mother* she is out of  my life permantely. I’m starting to talk to my sister Natasha again. Which that is slow progress I guess. She’s pregnant again with a girl. I can’t wait. I’m happy for her. Megan on the other hand is still doing stupid stuff. She’s a smart girl why can’t she just get her life together. *SIGH* She is on drugs now and she actually proud of it….Their is something wrong with her head seriously. I hope she see’s what she is doing wrong and get herself cleaned up but I don’t see that happening anytime soon. She keeps causing her self problems and I can’t get my self involved with. I love her but I can’t do anything for her so all i can think of is she going to end up killing herself…. I’m not thinking about this anymore nope off the subject now…

Ok so hmmm lets see what else I can say I still don’t have a boyfriend 🙁 *cries* but oh well hopefully soon haha. I’m starting to work alot more now to.  

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October 20, 2011

I tell myself i want to update at least a few times a week also… however… life always seems to happen… I average 1 – 2 a week… even if i dont write i still try to read.

October 22, 2011

Glad things are going well for the most part. Cool to have a job u enjoy a lot.

October 29, 2011

thts sooo nice u living wit dee dee