
 So it’s been a few days that i have not been able to sleep its 7:04 a.m. I’d say maybe 3 or 4 days I’ve been awake without sleep. But on the plus said I found 4 to 5 wks old kittens. So that kinda helps cus I have to feed them every couple of hours having a hard time with that though *sigh* if anyone has any easy solution to help me with feeding them plz let me know. Their are 3 of them and they are so adorable I could cuddle them all day hehe which I know I can’t they are really to little to be held all the time. I myself have 3 cats of my own so with the 3 kittens i have now I have 6 in my room which isn’t making my 1 yrs old cats happy rite now. My gray cat Ren has been running around MEOWING nonstop and chasing the little ones around. Which I have to spray him with water and it t doesn’t seem to phase him much what do you expect he loves water. You’d think I’d know that wouldn’t bother him one bit oh well I’ll still keep doing it. The little ones keep crying. Seriously though I’ll need sleep soon. RAWR<——me being cranky 🙁 . I’ll try to post a couple pics of the kittens up just have to figure out how to do that still. I’m at the moment trying to find homes for them I might have found a home for the white kitten I hope. My older sister Natasha wants her. So hopefully she can take her off my hands not that i’m complaining just have to many cats in one room lol.



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May 19, 2011

Aww kitties I wish I could have one lolz. My dad doesn’t like them.

May 20, 2011

ryn: i have decided to go, just not going to participate. i’ll show and do my due, but i have nothing else to give. thanks for your note.

May 22, 2011

Thanks for the note. 🙂 Hope you get some sleep.

May 25, 2011

ryn: thanks for the note. i actually had my iron checked and it’s fine. i think my immune system is generally shot. but i got meds to help me sleep which of course don’t do anything for me. uggh. so irritating.

May 26, 2011

You might want to see a doctor about your sleeping situation. 3-4 days with no sleep sounds awfully dangerous.