Democrats GIGGLE and CHEER.



With all the many lies and obfuscations perpetrated by this White House the one about whether the president knew or had met his “Uncle Omar” was a relatively minor one. Still it speaks volumes about how this administration — which obsesses in public about “transparency” — really operates.

Onyango Obama had been living in Massachusetts illegally since the 1970s (a judge granted him legal resident status just last week). When he was arrested in 2011 for DUI and told police “I think I will call the White House,” media outlets asked the White House if the two men had ever met. The answer was no.

Now, according to spokesman Jay Carney, it turns out staffers had only checked “records.”

However, after Uncle Omar testified in court that his nephew had stayed with him for three weeks when he was at Harvard Law School, Carney thought “it was the right thing to do” to actually ask the president.

Wow, what a nifty idea. And what do you know, the president confirmed his uncle’s story.

When you can’t even get a straight answer on the little stuff for two years, is it any wonder no one believes this gang any more about the big stuff?


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December 9, 2013

I wouldn’t trust these people to rake leaves.

Remember what Jay Carney said. The Obama Administration is not LYING, it’s NUANCING.