Organic II…and Other Fun Things
I always imagined my last semester of college to be relatively stress-free. I figured I’d be taking art classes, so I could concentrate on solely my art, for once, and that I would be able to just breathe a little easier before starting P.A. school. Nope. It’s my fault that my last semester schedule sucks, but it’s my diary and I just feel like venting. I should’ve taken Organic Chemistry II over the summer when I took Organic I, but at that point I was so sick of chemistry I just wanted to go home. Then I dropped it when I took it that fall, because by the first class I was already lost and I was afraid of hurting my GPA again. So now I pushed it off to the point where I’m taking it my last semetser of college. I was going to take Organic II at the local community college, but it turned out to be too expensive. I was stupid…I should’ve taken Organic Chemistry Lab at Binghamton, since apparently it’s a relatively easy class to do well in, and taken the actual class at BCC. I was just afraid that the class would be just as hard at BCC as BU, so I decided not to chance it. So now I’m taking Organic II at BU, I’m lost, I’m stressed, and I have three 8:30 classes.
I’m blowing off my art classes just to work on Organic 24/7…I haven’t even started anything for my independent study art class….
My parents are pissing me off too…My mother, in her infinite wisdom, decided to have me switch banks mid-semester. This new bank is easier for her to get to, and they’re open late so it’s convenient for her to deposit money whenever. However, I’m having a problem accessing my account on-line and there are no branches of this particular bank up in Binghamton. So if there’s a problem, I have no access to my own account, which is a huge problem for me. In addition, this bank transfers $25 every month from my checking account into my savings account. So when I thought I had $275 in my checking account (just enought ot clear my rent) it was really $245, which means my check will bounce. I can’t transfer to money back, since I can’t access my account on-line and there are no branches here. So like a sitting duck, I have to call up my parents and have them run to put more money in my checking account just so my rent check won’t bounce. It’s just extra stress that I really don’t need this semester.
In other (more cheerful) news…I went to Yorktown to Lauren’s house a few weeks ago. She drove me into Manhattan so see Corinne and the rest of the Delta Iotas (minus Christine and Lisa) for Corinne’s 24th birthday. It was fun, except for the fact that I got sick. Alcohol makes me gag now…After four years of binge drinking, I think I finally drank myself sick. After two cups of alcohol, no matter what type it is, I get really ill. Corinne’s birthday was fun overall, but I ended up passing out at the club we went to since I was so tired. My friends tok pictures of me lying on the couch, dead to the world, in the middle of a crazy NYC club. I felt really old…The next morning Lauren and I left Ashley’s apartment (where we slept over) at 6 am, after going to bed at 4 am, since Lauren had to work at 7:30 am. We ended up getting lost in Manhattan for awhile and didn’t get to Yorktown until 8;30. I originally planned on sleeping in the car, but Lauren kept the music blasting and the car pretty cold, so sleep was out. Then, on two hours of sleep, I drove three hours back to Binghamton. Mike was still sleeping when I walked in, so I just passed out next to him. I love my friends, but I really really love being with him. I would’ve had just as much fun staying in and watching a movie with him. I’m not looking forward to next year when I’ll be sleeping alone all the time.
Yesterday I had a Superbowl Party in my room. Heather and her boyfriend took over the downstairs living room, and since I didn’t want my friends and I to be crammed sitting on the floor, Mike and I just rearranged my room so everyone would be comfortable. Overall I think everyone had a pretty good time. Alex, one of Mike’s younger brothers got a little drunk and David (the other twin) feel asleep in the third floor living room. He was up all night the previous night with his new girlfriend apparently. I had Melissa and Paige over until about 11:30 so we could watch Grey’s Anatomy. I was so exhausted this morning it was ridiculous. All in all it was a good weekend. Now it’s Monday morning, and I want to stab myself in the eye with a pencil…
I left my natural science requirement for last, since it always interfered with my work schedule. Except now I have to take it over summer to graduate, and it’s still no better now than eons ago. Just can’t win! I was hoping for an sedate last semester, but 16 credits of torture later, I am cussing myself. But it’s almost over thankfully… except for that damn science class. Argh.
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