Life savers .

She is this lovely adorable mischievous sprite. Would she have tea in a forest glade with lightening bugs for lamps, and only the best English tea and fineries.

She would.

I love standing beside her, the difference in her and I and how comfortable it is to fall Into her arms as she fits and slides into mine just as easily.

We are made for midnight rendezvous and sultry summer trysts. We are made for a love affair that last centuries.

Just this timelessness of love and this:

This is where I want to be, by you, forever and ever. Amen.

We are wonderful explorers, going from very rich and fancy to simple and to the point, and these moments are not wasted. They are not like everything else.

We have been on planes, and trains, we’ve traveled across the world and yet she is what I want. It is just fun to see her in so many different places. She fits in them all. Whether she is laughing at a dumb deer at a petting zoo circa middle America, or walking around the megaliths and her eyes are bright and shining with excitement. She is the only traveling companion that will do, that I’ll have, that I need.

Which is the complete opposite of what Morry thinks is going on. She believes she has to keep all these damn annoying women away from me. She has to stay vigilant. Dates and such. I love this attention from her. As if I am something precious.

I’m not sure what you would need besides impossible things in order to believe me. But I feel every great quest is like that. An endless impossible thing made possible.

There is something freeing knowing I can never truly be enough for you. That I will fail again and again to help or help. Something that says: I will only do my best, but I know the truth, and I know my heart so I will weather this storm with you.” And it is hard standing in the rain, but I will dance away this thunderstorm just to be a little closer to you.

I would not say I was a masochist. I just know I’d want someone to stick around if it was hard for me, but I could see there worth.

Which Queens are like this. Valkyries are like this. One element with multiple facets.

This is unconditional. This is wanting more from one human being than I have ever wanted or desired.

You have to be darling, because you just have to be.

Sometimes when she’s mad, I miss her, and I need her. To be my big spoon, to protect me from the darkness. From herself even thought she can’t but she will, and breathe. We are this truly perfect, wonderful storm, of fierce impossibilities, love… I do.

I don’t have any skin left, and so…I don’t have any skin left and so it’s just rubbing bone on bone.  This pain, it’s bone on bone.

I like the moment when we are all silence and the silence is so loud that our skin makes noise.

She is my lonely blackbird. Fiesty and fiery.  My lovely gothic tea party. My Bridgertons style affair. She is lovely, gorgeous and curmudgeon all in one.

I’ll be fucking her through all the time periods as the world changes we will just become more solid, as if as we grow older we grow more becoming. Like the velveteen Rabbit, as silky as her lips against my own.

We hump in the darkness, blankets thrown back, her mouth open and I lick the line of her jaw and pummel her soaking pussy. She is riding her orgasms through my thrusts, too much too much, gods don’t stop.  She tells me to follow her up, and it’s like this magic spell. In that moment the cum bubbles out of me, like a gunshot it shoots up inside her guts and I fuck her through it all, her hand covering my mouth as I gasp out my orgasm.

We are conjoined twins in the darkness, pulling apart as we fuck. Sealing in the cum and sweat that dries between. Silent screams abound as I lick the underside of her salty fingers, my lust pumping Inside of her. Slick and wanton.

When I eat her out, I love to get lost in her pussy. Like the halves of a wet peach, tart like a tangerine, but with that hint of the ocean, and coconuts. I love to stick my tongue deep into her pussy and lick her insides. I close my eyes and I am lost in the sucking of her souls through her clit. I want it to shoot out into my mouth as hard as I please.

She is as precious as a hurricane. A seductive warm summer rain with a 100% chance of lightning, and blackened claws as if to say that sometimes, sometimes EVEN THE SON DOTH DOTH DOTH disturb ah ahem, the good ladies delicate humors. She is mine in every wake and eddy, in every flap and flick of her hair and I know her as precious and beautiful as a atom bomb and I will be so bright to hold this chaotic being that tries so hard to love down here with me if not for a bit and I hope that I can show her a clearer picture as she burns me away, but I will hold you for as long as I can because you are precious, you are mine and I am not stupid all the time and I know that you are mine and I know that I am yours, and I know that because I remember our life and I remember all the good good talks we had. I do. I do. Love I do. So don’t tell me…don’t.

And her eyes hyper focus on me, and I look down at her and she is engorged with lust. Suffused and lewd. My cock halfway down her throat, she massages me, exquisite. One more farther and you could walk along with me if that’s What you need, and I hope this finds you well, all manner well. She does and she down onto me it is like always, like that feeling of being fed upon, of prey. Of being prey, because there is, no you are fierce and determined and willfully and just guh, I love you so much. You drive me insane but I love you. You are my insane if I could pick. You are it but you are too hard on me sometimes. And I just want to walk beside you. I just want to live our wonderful life not talk about living it.

I feel as though sometimes I am in a scuba suit. Think old time metal gaskets and the metal arms. Glass viewing windows with decorative reinforced hinges. Like you are looking for the metal handlebar mustaches and striped strong men of yesteryear. And we travel between pods, doing the best we can.

We could and we are

And I can see you in so much. Honey, love, no one else but you. Ever, like a falling star or a unicorn (Yooni kohn).

I love her smile. Her lips. Always sweet and soft. Even in a summer heat, just sexy damp, and the slight tang of salt.  Our sweat mixes in with our saliva. Tik tok goes the spider.

Sometime we fuck out in the summer heat. Her nightgown pulled up and her thighs spread as I fuck her pussy with my tongue. Her inside is wet, I suck on her till she lets me know in this beautiful, fucking raw and real, just fierce, like she’s gonna fuck the cum out of me or we aren’t going to bed.

“I’m gonna cum”.  And then some nights, this is the best, some nights we don’t have the little one. Off to grannies. Like tonight. And when she cums I feel a veritable shockwave right into me and I just keep milking her. Rub her insides with my fingers, with my tongue and cock. I hold her down while she cums. I want to drive her wild. I want her so drunk on me she has to have me, then it’s not her and me, you see? It’s like us but refined I guess, wild for a bit. So I keep fuck her with my hand and sucking her clit till she said stop. Hold on, pushes me away, till she just can’t. Spent.

We have done things, things we never thought about, never understood.

She was this wonderful dance move that morphed and melded into years and years of laughter and love.  Her eyes laughing happy happy happy like a lady in a catalog. Like she’s showing off this scarf that retails at Macy’s for $155 because you know she’s a Elizabetta Gabriella, as….if. But she got it for 40% off…so, you know. Kindve a rockstar.

I can never keep the storms from her eyes, and my love means I weather these storms with her regardless. C’est la Vie, not so sadly.

We could run and sweat, and pump weights. She worries, but all I smell is her. Intoxicating. Her chest heaving, sweat between, hairs sticking to her neck, mouth slightly open, panting, lips parted, lips sweating, drops right to the corner of her mouth and her tongue flicks out on automatic. She blows hair out of her face, and her legs hit the back of her thighs as she runs. Spandex, Lycra, leaving nothing hidden and she is mine. I smell her perfume mixed with everything. I see you very well

I see you very well.

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