I was feeling thoroughly sick of cooking the same old. I keep telling myself that I’m going to get up and feel motivated enough to make pancakes in the morning because I’ve been wanting to make sourdough pancakes. This has not been happening. Today, I got up like 30 minutes before I had to work and was groggy as hell. I felt a little half-awake during the 2 hours I had to work this morning. Anyway, I decided it was a breakfast for dinner kind of day!
So, I made bacon and sourdough pancakes. I’m not super thrilled with the recipe I tried (batter was a bit thick and a little salty). Anyway, always nice to accomplish something. Heh.
I was finally able to find some flour. I ordered some Bluebird a while ago and it’s not been delivered and I keep forgetting to call them. Maybe I’ll get around to calling Cortez Milling tomorrow (Bluebird is the best and I want it). Anyway, the flour I could find was whole wheat King Arthur. The sourdough starters seem to like it. They seem to really like being fed on a regular basis. Poor Uff Da! is not as strong and happy as it used to be. I think it’ll perk back up if I feed it frequently for a bit (this means more crackers! Yum! I wonder if the whole wheat flour will affect the starters and or the flavor. I honestly don’t know). See below if you want the super easy sourdough cracker recipe.
I actually Googled to see if it was OK to change up the flour fed to a starter and Dr. Google said I could, and Dr. Google never lies! <–HA!
Crackers: set oven to 325 F, line a baking sheet with parchment. Mix 3/4 cup of sourdough starter (stir it down before you measure) with 2 Tablespoons of melted butter or another fat of your choice (I’ve only tried butter so far), add about 1 tsp salt. Mix and pour into pan, and spread thin. Then top with whatever you want to flavor your crackers with (you can also just mix in whatever). The first batch I made with dried herbs. One popular version in my house is poppy seed with some lemon or lime zest topped with a drizzle of honey (these come out a little soft on account of the honey). I’ve also tried cinnamon, nutmeg, and brown sugar. oh and just plain is ok too particularly if you’re pairing it with cheese or something. Really anything you want to throw on there.
I take it you can also make waffles with these?
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