New Year’s Goal
Hi Friends,
Happy New Year! May this year be gentle and kind to you all!
I read an article on Medium the other day about 100 Rejections. The author had set a goal to receive 100 rejections from literary journals in a year. That’s a little negative for me, but it made me think. One of the key pieces of publishing advice that I’ve been given repeatedly is to “collect rejections,” which I haven’t the stomach for. The article did give me the idea to try to make a lofty goal of 100 submissions to journals this year. I tried to find the exact article, but I couldn’t so I can’t paste a link.
Anyway, I submitted a few things last year. I’m not sure 100 is a good goal as it may be too many for me to aim for. Nonetheless, I submitted a poem today. So, 1 down 99 to go?
My boyfriend is a talented writer…. he submitted prob over 100 times last year and 3 things got picked up for publication…. I’m too soft skinned for that amount of rejection. I just self published a collection of poetry and even that is causing me nervousness to know people are reading it…..
@thecriticsdarling Hi! Congratulations on your poetry collection! If you’d like, send me a link, and I’ll pick up a copy. I love supporting fellow poets. I’m also pretty soft-skinned. I managed to force myself to submit around 6 poems last year and got 1 acceptance. I hope to make myself submit more this year. We’ll see.
@apexbloom that’s so sweet of you. I’ll send you the link, but don’t feel obligated to buy.
Will you be posting more of your writings here? Would love to read your work.
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