Food Box Part 2, the revenge.

This morning, the rightful owner of the misdelivered box showed up on my doorstep, looking for their food.  *sigh*

I apologized profusely and explained the whole thing: contacted delivery company 2 times, told them to give him my contact info., company told me on second call that they had reached out to him and gave him a full refund and not to deliver it just to keep it, tried to deliver it anyway, he lives behind a gate I couldn’t get into, didn’t want to leave food on my porch indefinitely (and the company had said they’d just refunded it anyway so I didn’t expect him to show up this morning), didn’t want to leave box of food on the road in front of his gate, so it got donated to the food bank.


He looked sad, but he didn’t yell at me or anything.

I feel a little bit bad about this, but I honestly don’t know what I could have done. Leaving a box of food on the porch wouldn’t have been a good option as some of it wouldn’t be safe to eat by now (same deal with the garage), not all of it could be frozen, so sticking the box in the freezer wouldn’t have been an option, my food box was huge and there wasn’t room for an entire box of extra food in there, and in the house, the kids would have gotten into it. I hope he actually did get that refund.  I hope he’s OK with his lost groceries going to feed food insecure neighbors (even if he isn’t, that’s where it is!).


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