Why Size Matters
Heard this horrible country song today that I’m only going to assume is called "size matters," as it’s the kick-me-in-the-stomach-awful "ironic" punch-line of the chorus (big heart, big kisses, big wallet, etc– get it? Ugh). There seems to be this sweeping trend of trying to reassure inadequate men that their tiny members are good enough…a bit akin to an act of pollitical correctness, in that it seems to water down stone cold reality with forced words and perspectives that are completely weak, and more importantly dishonest. And before you women start rolling your eyes at me, hear me out.
See, we’re all aware of the fact that "big dick" the body part is irrelevant to your gender, or at least dwarfed by what I’m just going to go ahead and call "big dick" the man. The dots that women forget to connect while proclaiming to their husbands and the world that size really doesn’t matter to them, is that a man’s size is directly linked to his enjoyment, and therefore his overall performance as a lover. Women don’t need a skilled mate as much as they need the simple feeling that their partner is extracting more pleasure from them than any other woman past or present…because sex is strange like that; it’s a battle of "who’s pleasure is who’s," often with both trying to stimulate the other, while niether one cares one bit about their own direct satisfaction; his pleasure is her pleasure so to speak. And while this can be a genderless tendency, I think it’s a much more femminine characteristic of lovemaking…as providing a valuable service is socially more important to women, to better secure their hold over one particular man.
The thing you need to get out of your heads right now, and this goes for everyone, is the idea that men feel they need to be large to please a woman. Let me make this perfectly clear, pleasing a woman is not a man’s sexual goal. Quite the opposite, in fact. If men wanted to please you they’d do your dishes and say I love you and cant wait to spend the rest of my life protecting you and giving you money inbetween going down on you and rubbing your feet. No, the fucking part is just for us, and the bigger dick we have the more you ladies have to suffer taking it, because lets face it…you don’t have much choice in the matter, as letting us fuck you is your only key to securing a dominant male (pussy men are less demanding, I’ve found). And it’s not so much that men want to make women suffer (much), as that comes off a bit sadistic and cruel…but rather men desire simply to move or affect a woman; to own her, and throw her off balance for a moment; to wreck her hair and makeup and composure…and it’s much easier to detach a woman from her own controlled mentality when you’re impaling her with a thicker piece of meat. Less chance of her thinking about grocery lists while going through the oral motions of yeah baby, yeah baby, right there. Nothing is as demasculinating to men as losing a woman’s interest and attention mid-act, which is why most little men overcompensate by riding women really hard and fast, or so I imagine.
The bottom line, and misconception that I wanted to address, is that although women assume that size doesn’t really matter because it doesn’t matter to them, the relavence of size in general has nothing to do with what matters to women, and has everything to do with what matters to men…which loops back around and affects the thing that does matter to women; having a confident and self-assured lover. There is no fixing the broken confidence of a small dicked man beyond pretending that it’s big, I’m sorry to say, and I personally think that women should just give up sleeping with a man who suffers insecurity in that area, to help our species breed out some sexual inadequacy. Darwinism all the way.
I’d like to discuss men and woman issues in regards to the movie Guys and Dolls with you, maybe tomorrow, I’m tired, I’m going to bed. But all I could think about was that movie when I read this entry especially the Skye Masterson and Sarah Brown part. I hope one day to discuss other things besides the men are from mars women from venus thing though …there’s got to be more to it all than that.
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