…and the cow jumped over the moon.

Slept for the first time in about a week last night, and had a rather extraordinary dream. In it, I discovered that there was another earth-like planet on the other side of the sun, running the same orbital track as us– and that the earth’s movement through space generated two things– a ‘track’ in the space time continuum (like a groove worn into wood from frequent use), and a sort of reverse-flowing black matter, along this track– the way water rushes behind a boat that’s moving quickly; or the way air is used on wings to provide lift. All of this was purely speculative, in my dream, but somehow I had a good feeling about it…and Doc Brown’d myself a space-ship out of one of those small 2-man airplanes.

Made a few calculations, climbed in, and took off in it down the street in the middle of the afternoon. Got er’ up to about 45 mph and eased back on the stick, lifting off– up, up, up! Just in time to clear a bend in the road. Over the road signs, over the power lines, and into the clouds…the city shrinking behind me as the sky opened up. All I had to do, I knew, was follow my coordinates and fly straight– and I did. The blue faded to star speckled black, and the moon rose up over the falling horizon. Cabin pressure was holding, everything functioning normal. I felt excited, and slightly nervous– and suddenly, without much in the way of a segue, I was no longer among the stars, but flying swiftly between two sheets of clouds– much like the trip at the end of Flight Of The Navigator– and after only a few minutes, they faded, and I found myself descending upon a planet that no one from earth even knew existed.

I landed on a stretch of road, careful to avoid more power-lines, and got out. It was almost exactly the same as Earth, but not– the land and the water were all in different places, and little things here and there were off. It felt like spring. The language was similar, but different– the architecture, the clothing, the general layout– but everything made sense, and felt very…normal. Nobody believed I was from another planet, and just called me various shades of harmlessly crazy (story of my life), but so enthralled was I at having broken through the barrier of known reality into such an unearthly place, that I stayed there for quite a while, and got to know quite a few people. I took a liking to a particular female, who was in need of a bit of rescue (as most dream damsels are, I reckon), so I loaded her up in the kit-plane with me, took off down the highway near her family’s farm, and made it back across the orbit track to Earth. It’s the flying, and the space traveling, that I remember the most from the dream– the journey there, alone, afraid, and awe-struck; and the return home– companioned and concerned, that the way back wouldn’t be as open as the way there.

*EDIT: The following night I had a dream I was fighting an old fashioned kung-fu style army of red-shirts, in defense of my grandmothers garage. My primary weapon was a plastic flower pot, that I was using to bash them in the face one by one. Sounds awesome, I know, but my hit to miss ratio was about 1/3, so it was a bit frustrating. Naturally, I was unscathed, but these are red-shirts we’re talking about here…



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Amazing. So jealous of this dream. You have to love the mind, huh?

Amazing. So jealous of this dream. You have to love the mind, huh?

Amazing. So jealous of this dream. You have to love the mind, huh?

Amazing. So jealous of this dream. You have to love the mind, huh?

Amazing. So jealous of this dream. You have to love the mind, huh?

Wow, my dreams are never that detailed – or happy.

Wow, my dreams are never that detailed – or happy.

Wow, my dreams are never that detailed – or happy.

Wow, my dreams are never that detailed – or happy.

Wow, my dreams are never that detailed – or happy.

[in my most dramatic artsy voice] I can only create when inspired! đŸ˜‰ Thanks. I’m not sure if it’s my cup of tea. I feel like I’m exposed too much. Like I’m standing there naked, and holding a sign that says “I’m a whore”. đŸ™‚ I’ll leave it there fore a month or so, and then decided whether to delete it or not.

[in my most dramatic artsy voice] I can only create when inspired! đŸ˜‰ Thanks. I’m not sure if it’s my cup of tea. I feel like I’m exposed too much. Like I’m standing there naked, and holding a sign that says “I’m a whore”. đŸ™‚ I’ll leave it there fore a month or so, and then decided whether to delete it or not.

[in my most dramatic artsy voice] I can only create when inspired! đŸ˜‰ Thanks. I’m not sure if it’s my cup of tea. I feel like I’m exposed too much. Like I’m standing there naked, and holding a sign that says “I’m a whore”. đŸ™‚ I’ll leave it there fore a month or so, and then decided whether to delete it or not.

[in my most dramatic artsy voice] I can only create when inspired! đŸ˜‰ Thanks. I’m not sure if it’s my cup of tea. I feel like I’m exposed too much. Like I’m standing there naked, and holding a sign that says “I’m a whore”. đŸ™‚ I’ll leave it there fore a month or so, and then decided whether to delete it or not.

[in my most dramatic artsy voice] I can only create when inspired! đŸ˜‰ Thanks. I’m not sure if it’s my cup of tea. I feel like I’m exposed too much. Like I’m standing there naked, and holding a sign that says “I’m a whore”. đŸ™‚ I’ll leave it there fore a month or so, and then decided whether to delete it or not.

I don’ t think youtube allows such videos. đŸ˜‰ Actually that did help! Thanks! đŸ™‚

I don’ t think youtube allows such videos. đŸ˜‰ Actually that did help! Thanks! đŸ™‚

I don’ t think youtube allows such videos. đŸ˜‰ Actually that did help! Thanks! đŸ™‚

I don’ t think youtube allows such videos. đŸ˜‰ Actually that did help! Thanks! đŸ™‚

I don’ t think youtube allows such videos. đŸ˜‰ Actually that did help! Thanks! đŸ™‚