
Well once again I was all inspired and drawing in the middle of the night (its like 1am) and just when I was getting to detailing I realized my favorite drawing pen was all out of ink so now I have to wait till tomorrow to get one… Bleh! I was so annoyed! ‘This is what I got done ill post a pic when/if I ever finish it… btw im going to put a bird or something on her hand that’s why its half finished this is also a very rough sketch!

Yeah… it would be awesome looking if my stupid pen had worked!!! grrrr -_-

I guess it is probably for the best because I need to go to sleep but of course I wont go to sleep. instead ill post this entry then go watch anime lol o well its the last night of my brake Tues. I start another year of college Yeah… KILL ME!

So far this is what my schedule looks like:


Work- 7am-11am

Class Eng. 42- 1pm-2:45pm

Class Hist. 17 6pm-9pm


Work 7am- 11am

Class 3D modeling and Animation 2pm -5:45pm

Class Intro to Public Speaking 6pm- 9pm


Work 7am -11am

Class Eng. 42- 1pm-2:45pm

then im done for Wednesday yeah!! 


Work same hours

Class  3D modeling and Animation 2pm -5:45pm

Wednesday and Thursday are my best days!

The on Friday im at work 7 to 11 and I have to clean Jens before 5pm  thus concludes my week schedule!

I am dreading Mon. & Tues. early mornings and late nights are going to kill me!!!

I LOVE sleeping but I don’t ever seem to get enough of it o well…

I spent all weekend at my grandparents I helped lay concrete and pavers I am so soar! I’m also super exhausted feeling but I cant sleep for some reason o well… My hands have like chunks of skin taken out of them.

o and I have the worst driving tan lol my left arm is like 5 shades darker than my right one its hilarious looking… My arm was in the sun the whole ride there it takes about 3 hours and since I don’t have A/C the window was down and my arm got so brown at least I never burn other wise it would have been really burnt! Im so glad I have darker Indian skin =]

Anywho maybe I will go now I think Ill watch some ATLA I wana re-watch them all including LOK before book 2 airs soon

Love and Rockets

Another Girl

P.S. If you have read this far I am sorry for all the rambling and just want to say thank you for reading about my life! (Even when it is not terribly interesting!) ^_^



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September 2, 2013

Thank you, I think I just need to get into the habit of doing it:) Your drawing looks really good.

Your sketch is great! Really want to the finished product! I always had a fav pen or pencil and when it broke or ran out I was devastated!! My wife n girlz went to the fair brought me back a giant K-ON! wall hanging and fig. of Yui with Gitah! YEAH! “LIFE” is all rambling I always say. Hey now you can drop out of school and run off with a concrete crew! ….NO! Don’t do it! Ahah-hah-hah! Be happy!

RYN:Yea Yui! but in Yuru Yuri I like Toshinou Kyoko the best! She is such a rascally little perv! snicker, snicker! (Believe it or not in Japanese it’s pronounced YOU-DO YOU-DEE! real fast! heh)Stay healthy and watch anime!

September 4, 2013

Oops sorry I remember that. RYN: Thank you 🙂

September 8, 2013

RYN: Yeah I dont draw anymore. 🙁

September 11, 2013

That rough sketch is a lot better than anything I can ever do. I can’t wait to see the finished product 😀