Roller Skating Lollipops


So wile in Oregon we went Roller Skating it was so much fun and I loved it!!! I wana go again! I kinda sucked though lol I kept falling and stuff but I still had fun ^_^ After wards we all went to a Chinese buffet and I had my favorite peanut butter chicken and sushi!!! YUM!!!!  

I also went on a crazy shopping spree and got some super cute hair accessories! I got a giant plastic lollipop at a toy store that I’m going to turn into a clip for my hair XD I love making cute accessories out of toys ^_^ I’ll have to post pictures!  

I really wana make a cute dress to wear with my new hair, but I just don’t have time to Oh well…

Lets see I’m in a super bubbly mood I’m listening to Pon Pon Pon by Kyary Pamyu Pamyu O my goodness I love her music its so crazy and bouncy and the videos are so bazar that you have to keep watching lol I dare you not to get that song stuck in your head! Listen to Candy Candy too lol I LOVE it!!!

 I want to go to Japan so bad!!!! I would sell both my kidneys to go!!! One day….

I finished watching Vampire Knight I was so mad with how it ended I was in love with Zero and she went with her creepy brother lol  was anyone else creeped out by that? I felt like Yuki and Zero had super hot chemistry… it was LAME!!! o well now I need a new anime to watch….  

I’m heading back to OR for 4th of july should be fun tons of grat fireworks and friends ^_^

Oh my god this entry was so much longer but OD just spazzed and deleted it and did something really weird!!! so This is all for now ‘

Love and Rocket Ships,

Another Girl

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June 2, 2013

Hahah you are so funny! Comment away! I doesn’t bug me at all. I feel special when I get notes :p Anyways, you always seem to be in a good mood! Very spontaneous! I over analyze things. You probably don’t care but I feel hungry.