Quiz Thingy…

 Nicknames? Ari (Names Arislyn) 

Where do you live? California

What’s your age? 20

Hair color? Naturally Dark Brown almost black with a little red when in sun… But I usually die it crazy colors or wear a wig =]

Eye color? Brown bleh not very exciting lol

Height? 5’5"

Shoe size? 8

Date of Birth? April 24 1993

What’s your star sign? Taurus On the Zodiac I’m a Rooster

Element? Water

How many siblings? 2 brothers (one older 21 one younger 18), 3 Step sisters all older (Step moms kids), 8 step siblings all older (step fathers kids never really met most of them, he has a lot), 3 Pseudo sisters who I love (my boyfriend’s family)

How many pets? I had a fish named Ponyo but he died =[ (I’m not allowed to have pets where I live)

Obsessions? Hello Kitty, Pandas, tea, Harry Potter, Anime, Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, Cute food lol there are so many things…

Bad habits? Pinking my nail polish off, and biting my lower lip when concentrating (mostly when playing a video game)

Phobias? Well I’m afraid of Spiders, the dark, and… Bald People lol


What makes you happy? So many things! My boyfriend stuff I obsess over FOOD!

What really irritates you? People biting their nails or nails being bent back it freaks me out!

What makes you sad? Anything super sad and emotional for example I cried when dumbledoor died in Harry Potter and also in Code Geass when Euphemia and Shirley died I cried like a baby :’(

What makes you angry? People who are artificially nice… or people who backstab you

What makes you scared? Didn’t we already cover this?

Who is your best friend? Ry She is more like a sister but probably my bff to

Ever broken a bone? Nope oddly considering ive done some dangerous stuff…

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received? “If you don’t want to do something don’t be good at it”
my dad use to tell me this when I would complain about being the only one that had to paint the deck or house… (I am a really good painter…)

What sneakers do you own? I don’t own any I where flats or flip flops… I might have a pair of old converse…

What was the last CD you bought? "Bought?" I haven’t bought CDs for years… The last album I bought on ITunes was either Hatsune Miku or Air Traffic…

What was the last book you read? Kamisama Kiss Vol. 6

Who was the last person you spoke to? Like out loud? Um my roommate Jen I told her “Have a good day” on my way out the door to work… Right now im IMing my Brother were talking about music

What was the last thing you ate? A blue berry muffin =3 yummy!

What was the last thing you drank? Peach Green Ice Tea (Still drinking it)

What’s the best thing you’ve ever bought? Probably my Ipod touch I use that thing so much… And anything I have ever bought for someone else I like buying stuff for people =]

What’s the worst thing you’ve ever bought? Nothing I don’t usually regret buying stuff

What’s the best thing you’ve ever been given? LOVE ^_^

What’s the worst thing you’ve ever been given? A Horse… My mom got me a horse when I was thirteen I’m deathly allergic to them and have never liked them much, she only got it for me cause she likes them… And also a bible I already have so many of them, and my mom got it for me for Xmas and it was the only present I got… extremely  disappointing.

What are your future goals? To become a unicorn! Hehe and probably graduate form college…

Describe your bedroom? Pink… Art I made is everywhere and its over flowing with stuffed animal and clothes!

What’s your most embarrassing moment? My freshman year of high school I got depantsed in front of my entire class during a game of capture the flag… I was wearing panties that said Barbie girl on them…

Who do you consider the most handsome man in the world? My boyfriend =]

Favorite thing to do on a hot summers day? Go swimming in my pool and drink Italian sodas =]

Favorite thing to do on a snowy winters day? Read a good book with a blanky and hot tea!

If you were granted 3 wishes, what would they be? 1) to have an unlimited supply of money so that I could take care of every one in my life… 2. A unicorn  3. More artistic talent…

If you could go back in time to see or change something, when would it be and what would you do? I would change who I lived with when my parents got divorced id wana go back and pick my mom…

What’s the first thing you think about when you wake up? I wana go back to sleep…

What exactly were you doing on September 11th as the terrorist attacks were being carried out in America? I was at school in Oregon I was really young and so I didn’t know what was going on. I just thought it was super cool that I got to go home from school early…

Have you ever been in love? I’m in love right now

Do you believe in the after-life? Yes

Where do you see yourself in 10 years time? Married with children and a career =]

If you could choose your own death, how would you go? I wana die surrounded by the people I love!

Would you ever consider having plastic surgery? No I don’t like hospitals or surgery I’m afraid they will put me under and harvest my organs or something…  

Do you have any regrets in life? Not spending more time with my mother and not being more involved in Highschool

What advice would you give to a kid? Never grow up!

Any hidden talents? I can tie a cherry stem with my tongue
Is yours an ‘innie’ or ‘outie’? Innie

Last job? Waitress… made great tips, but hated dealing with the costumers!

Current job? Toll Booth attendant

Dream job? Ive always wanted to be a tattoo artist, but that’s not going to happen so…

Who is your hero? My Boyfriend

Describe yourself in 3 words: Pessimistic, Childish, Random 


Favorite color? Every color ever! Especially bright ones like pink or lime green

Favorite number? 4

Favorite animal? Panda

Favorite sport (to play)? None I’m to clumsy to be athletic but I do like soccer…

Favorite sport (to watch)? NONE ever HATE watching sports

Favorite Anime? Kamisama Kiss… and Naruto (It was the first anime I ever saw… not including Sailor moon and pokemon wich I saw when I was little and didn’t even know w

hat anime was)

Favorite tv show? Really like Downton Abbey and New Girl

Favorite radio station? I listen to my Ipod

Favorite movies? Anything by Tim burton I really like a lot of stuff… Studio Ghibli and so on…

Favorite band? To many to name I really like Two Door Cinema Club

Favorite song? It changes loads but my top three most played song on itunes right now are Pon Pon Pon by Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, followed by In the Mourning by Paramore, and Big Jet Plane by Angus and Julia Stone…  

Favorite room in the house? My bedroom

Favorite football team? Loath Footbal with a passion
Favorite footballer? What the heck is this?

Favorite famous celeb/s? Ive always loved Helena Bonham Carter and Johnny Depp

Favorite board game? Candyland ^_^

Favorite video game/s? Skyrim and any Elder Scrolls

Favorite PC game? SWTOR

Favorite food? Suchi! AHHHH!!! Also love beef teriyaki and rice! Especially with miso soup!

Favorite fast-food? Tacobell and Panda Express

Favorite drink? Apple Juice or Tea

Favorite magazine? Don’t read magazines

Favorite anime character? Oooo this is a hard one let’s see I really love Mikasa from Attack on Titan I love how strong she is and how she is a total bad ass… Also Nanami from Kamisama Kiss because she reminds me of myself! And lastly I have always loved Naruto =]

Favorite advert/commercial?  Who likes commercials?

Favorite day of the week? Saturday because it’s the day I get the most sleep on =]

Favorite day of the year? Halloween!!!!!

Favorite season? Fall

Favorite car? VW Bug

Favorite shop? Wetseal and Hottopic

Favorite holiday? Halloween

Favorite girls name? Serulian

Favorite boys name? Raidon

Favorite country? Japan 

Favorite smell? I don’t know

Favorite sound? Jim Dales vouce reading Harry Potter

Favorite accent? British and Irish


Coke or Pepsi? Coke

Pen or Pencil? Either

Day or Night? Day

Cat or Dog? Kitty Cat

Summer or Winter? Winter

T.V. or Radio? T.V.

Brains or Beauty? Brains

Cup or Mug? Mug

Tea or Coffee? Tea

Gold or Silver? Silver

Brush or Comb? Brush

City or Country? Country

Red or White wine? I don’t drink

Early or Late nighter? Neither I’m a middle dayer… lol

Early or Late riser? Late unless I have to rise early…

Blonde or Brunette? Brunette

Scarey or Romantic movies? Romantic and Scary I like both

Board or Computer games? Computer

Rugby or Football? Neither although I think rugby is more interesting

Half full or Half empty? Half Empty

Long nails or Short? Normal nail?

Happy and poor or Sad and rich? I choose Happy and Rich… lol

Swimsuit or Bikini? Bikini

Glasses or Contacts? Glasses

Salt and Vinegar or Cheese and Onion? Salt and vinegar my favorite!

Flowers or Chocolates? Chocolate

Love or Money? Love

Hugs or Kisses? Hugs


What are you wearing? Navy blue lacy knee length dress, black waist belt, black flats… 

What’s the latest news? I just tripped on my tollbooth step and hurt my ankle!

What’s the weather like? Sunny

How do you feel? Quirky


Cried? The other day while watching hiiro no kakera the last episode ade me cry when she told him to tay with her forever idk why but I found it really touching

Laughed? Today

Swore? yesterday

Lied? Yesterday… Me and Connor lied about going to class we went and got junk food and hung out in the car watching Tangled instead lol

Got drunk? Sophomore year of High school… Never again!

Read a newspaper? I don’t read them

Read your horoscope? I don’t

Had a bath/shower? This morning I took a shower

Had a cold? Currently! Its almost over though I can finally breath threw my nose

Smiled at someone? Just now as a car drove by

Gave someone a cuddle? Yesterday

Said, ‘I love you’? last night

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June 19, 2013

wow dats a very long quiz! RYN: Yep. I am totally believing that you love pink. I do too. Love your diary background ^_^

RYN: Watching anime all day!? I am totally jealous! I’ve got to enjoy mine now because in Sep my niece is coming to stay as a foreign exchange student and my step-daughter is coming to live here! Both 17, both from Thailand! We are remodeling like crazy!! Should be fun, except…neither one likes anime! They like to study! (how could someone NOT like anime?)Loved your quiz!ha hah

June 19, 2013

You have a lot of step siblings!