Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want…

 Ello again,

                So I seriously probably spend like 100 dollars a month on Day-O (coffee hut where I live)… I buy something every morning on my way to work because it’s convenient. I should really work on not spending lol Anywho, I got a watermelon Italian Soda it’s pretty delicious!

Lol I just spelled watermelon: waterymeleon (not sure where the y came from lol but it sounds awesome I’m going to call it that from now on! ^_^) but thank God for auto correct, or my writing would be even more atrocious than it already is!

                I am so envious of people who can write! I wish I could string words together all witty and flowy like. I think my thought process is to all over the place to write properly. I am constantly switching through topics and just all over.  My boyfriend’s little sister is only like 16 and she is an amazing writer! Like seriously she writes beautiful poetry like insanely good, and she just knows how to make the simplest sentence sound beautiful. I wish I had her talent! Being able to draw is kind of lame I think because so many people can do it so good.

                Ooo so I was listening to oldies music on Pandora and Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want by The Smiths came on… I’m in love!  So I went and looked it up on YouTube and found a cover by Slow Moving Millie it’s so good! I like both versions so much I bought them on iTunes! Great song… Anywho…

                If anyone ever looked through my iPod they wouldn’t be able to pin what kind of music I like lol I don’t like a single genre I love lyrics so if a song has great lyrics I will get it… Whenever I have my ipod on shuffle in my car you can never figure out what kind of music is going to play next for example:

1.       Dexy’s Midnight Runners

2.       Disney’s greatest hits

3.       Naruto Soundtrack

4.       Jimmy Eat World

5.       Ed Sheeran

6.       The Wombats

7.       Eels

8.       Bunch of 80s, 70s, and 60s Hits

9.       Mayday Parade

10.   Down Like Silver

11.   Tegan and Sara

12.   Mumford and Sons

13.   Benjamin Francis Leftwich

14.   Pink

15.   Blink182

16.   Tons of piano music (Yirum, Joe hisaishi ect.)

17.   Lana Del Ray

18.   Of Monsters and Men

19.   Pony Pony Run Run

20.   <!–[e

ndif]–>Icona Pop

21.   Zedd

22.   Otep

23.   The XX

24.   Katie Costello

25.   Two Door Cinema Club

26.   The Bravery

27.   Really old country like Neil Young or Johnny Cash type stuff  

Just to name a few… yeah I pretty much listen to everything as long as it has good lyrics and it depends on what mood I’m in… Different music will inspire different art for me…

Wow I got really distracted lol not that anyone is interested in what I’m listening to, but there you go…

I’m pretty excited for the 18th to get here, because I’m going to Oregon to visit my family I miss my brothers! I’m bringing My boyfriend his little sister and his best friend. I use to not like his best friend very much he just got on my nerves idk why… but then I found out he is a huge Potterhead and we were like instantaneously best friends! You are automatically awesome when you like Harry Potter end of story!

Well I should probably stop writing but I just enjoy babbling on when I’m at work because there is really nothing else to do! Like really nothing! If I don’t share my thoughts with this page then I’m probably going to online shop, and then spend more money… not good!

I finished another sharpie drawing this time of a panda because I LOVE pandas!

Anywho, I’ll stop now because people probably won’t want to read so much…

Love and Rocket Ships,

Another Girls Tale

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May 9, 2013

youtube Eye alaksa — you will like them 🙂

May 9, 2013

your welcome. i saw your playlist here — i try to recommend eye alaska to alot of ppl bc ppl usually never has heard of favorite one is “i knew you’d never fly” but im glad you like them!! and thank you for the encouraging words!!

May 13, 2013

that panda is good i’ll have to check out some of this music sometime ryn yep