Parka Please!

Ello Ello! 

Awwww!!! I just spent like 60 dollars on a dress i don’t really need… I really need to stop shopping!! Its so cute though it is pink with zombie unicorns on it and i’ve wanted it for a wile… It will look so cute with my pink hair and I got super cute unicorn hair clips that will go with it, but i’m regretting spending that much lol I’m suppose to be saving for my wedding dress and stuff… I need to stop online shopping =/

Shhmeh… anywho today Connor and I have to clean his room and bathroom like spotless! Then box up and move a bunch of stuff to my house cause his parents are moving and they need somewhere to put his stuff… I wish i didn’t have work today or the rest of the week for that matter… i feel like we don’t have enough time to get everything done before we leave for Oregon… My job is easy, but i feel like I’m wasting time I could be doing something more productive! Kind of like I’m wasting time right now writing this boring entry…

My stupid laptop keeps overheating because California is getting so bloody hot and the fans don’t work! I’m really starting to get hacked off! I cant stream videos or listen to music with out it crashing! I have the A/C blasting in the booth right now and it still wont work! Its bloody cold in here to! I need a freaking parka its freezing!!! 

I’m feeling very wound up today lol I don’t wana be sitting in my stupid little booth i wana do something! 

I would be watching Fairy Tail, but I let Cake watch it yesterday with me and she really likes it so i promised to not watch it with out her… so now i have nothing to do! *SIGH* I need a good anime series to start watching… I’ve seen a bunch of super popular ones already: Naruto, Bleach, Full Metal Alchemist (brotherhood as well), Spice and Wolf, Death Note, Avatar… i think that’s it… Anywho, if anyone has any suggestions that would be great! ^_^ I have a lot of time to kill!   

Well i think i will leave you and try and find something to do… Best Wishes!

Love and Rocket Ships,

Another Girls Tale 







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May 15, 2013

Thanks so much for your note 🙂 I really do appreciate it!! And no entry is boring since you’re writing about your life.. and its something to look back on so it’s there whenever. And I think from that entry I understand that youre getting married? If so, that is so very exciting and congrats 🙂