Open the Window Wide

 So I’m on my stupid iPod again so please it or typos … 

Soo I have been pretty busy with class and stuff… 

My roommate has been gone for about a week and won’t be back till the third… I like having the house to myself but at the same time I just feel safer with someone else here! It is super hot but I’m afraid to open my window and risk someone or something getting in… I know I am being completely ridiculous and scared for no reason but there u go…

Lets see I got asked by my speech teacher to put together a special board to put our before I die cards on… The whole class wrote what the wanted to accomplish before they died on note cards and she basically asked me to find a creative way to display them… I think she probably asked me because she saw me drawing in class because I’m working on a drawing for a friend that needs to be done before the 15 … Anywho I could t say no so I. Acted all excited and I am sorta I mean it could be fun but at the same time I have so much to do I need to

1. Clean my car (for trip to Oregon) 

2. Prepare my speech presentation

3. Make a powerpoint  

4. Draw a sharpie pic

5. Get my insurance sorted out

6. Make board for before I die

 I have to do all of this this weekend because I’m going to Oregon from the 3 to the 7th bleh it’s gona be a busy weekend! I’d much rather play minecraft especially since me and con got a mod called hexit and its awesome!  I’m so glad I only have two weeks of class left! 

I really need to go to bed I have work at 6 so yep 

Love and rocketships 

Another girl



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June 26, 2013

You need voltage! Some kind of taser! You can tas people or animals…or spiders….im kinda kidding!

Oregon? It’s raining here, has been for a week off and on. Summer creeps in thru the door slowly only to find a trick bucket of water dropping on it! Hah! I love it! I put a stick on my window so it will only open a little, 6 to 8 inches. That is safe. Still on Mouretsu Pirates here. Been busy, foreign exchange student from Thailand due in a month!

June 27, 2013

I love the home page picture.

June 27, 2013

Wow you’re step dad is really old! That’s a lot of family to deal with hahaa. What do you do for work? Why so early?!