Once Upon a Time…




Ello Jelly Beans!


I’m only writing to kill time because I’m waiting for my wash to get out of the drier so I can put some pants on and head to Connors …  We leave for Oregon tomorrow so I’ve been all busy cleaning and helping Con’s parents get there house ready to go on the market… There going to put it up next week wile were all gone.


I got Cake into watching Fairy Tail I’m pretty excited that she enjoys it! I loved anime when I was her age… she is like 10 I think? Cake and me are both nerdy girls that like video games and books lol I’m glad she is my pseudo little sister!


 I made some ice tea with lots of lemon slices its super strong though I need to water it down… I really love tea of any kind I don’t like it sweetened or with cream just plain tea and occasionally lemon…


What else hmm… well I got a hair tie stuck in my hair yesterday! Connor had to cut it out of my hair lol that’s what I get for teasing it like crazy


I really like reading other peoples entries =] I’m always randomly reading them! Peoples lives are so fascinating lol much more interesting then mine…


I am super disappointed that my wig isn’t here from GLW I really wanted it for my trip to Oregon I’m tired of my pink hair lol I already packed everything since im going to be spending the night at Connor’s Ill probably forget something though I always do…


I always pack super light I think I bring more make up than clothes lol My mommy doesn’t wear makeup or anything she is all natural and  so pretty… Since she didn’t wear make up I had to teach my self everything… She was super pretty in high school because she is Indian and has dark skin and hair … She eats so much and always stays the same size super petite and small! I wish I could be like that instead I’m chubby and just built bigger… People always see my mom and then me and there like whoa that’s your mom! Because she is so small and I’m tall ish and bigger it’s obnoxious! My moms always telling me I need to loose weight and stuff it use to hurt my feelings but now I ignore it… She still can shop in the juniors section! This world is cruel and unfair lol O well I have to be happy with the body I’m given even if I look like an ogre lol I do have bigger boobs than her something I’ve always been happy about =]


Anywho, sorry about my momentary rant I just have mixed feelings about seeing my mom because I love her, but she is always nit picking at me and making me feel self conscious…


 I’ll probably have to go see my dad and step mother… I have a hard time liking her because I lived with my dad, when my parents got divorce in like 6th grade, up until my senior year of high school… I ended up moving out because of her… She ousted my older brother the year before so it was only a matter of time before I got the chopping block lol  She was like my evil Step mother!


It started when she turned my room into a guest room and made me take down all my art and basically ruined my bedroom it wasn’t comfortable or safe anymore… She changed the comforter got rid of my bed took down all my posters and pictures…  I know I sound selfish and a bit spoiled, but there was already an empty room that could be used as a guest room!

 Right across the hall from me was a big empty room that she said she was going to use as a bed room for her grand kids when they spent the night! WTF lady they don’t even live with you and they get their own room!

It gets even better… Her daughter maid up this whole story about me having friends over and drinking which was a complete lie because I don’t drink like ever! I just don’t like how people change when they drink so I don’t… I also got straight as and seriously was like the definition of a goody too shoes kid! I dressed wild and looked like a hooligan but I wasn’t I never did super illegal stuff like ever…  my friend who was spending the night wile they were away posted on facebook “why is the rum gone” and so she said we must have been drinking! *FACE PALM* These people are stupid everyone knows that’s a quote from Pirates of the Caribbean which we watched… They made a huge deal about it and told my mom who believed me and told them to shove it up theirs lol My step mothers daughters were crazy when in high school one went to rehab for drugs one got knocked up and the other was a party animal like seriously i’m a super good kid compared to them and she acted like I was bad…   Then My step mother told my dad that she was going to move out and leave because of me (She said I never helped around the house which was a huge lie because I was practically their freaking house maid!) My dad was really up set so I just left and moved in with my mom and step dad… I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forgive him it hurt that he chose her and her kids over me… I had stuck with him through everything my mom cheating on him and stuff… I felt a little bit like Cinderella living with them lol I even got my prince 😉 My life is totally a fairy tale lol

I didn’t have a good relationship with my mom I hated that she cheated on my dad and choose my step dad over our family… Now I love my Step Dad he is so much better than my real dad he’s a great guy… I regret not spending more time with my mom growing up and always hating her… When I moved in with her my senior year it was nice getting to know he

r, and my step dad was really nice. He let me paint my bed room and would take me shopping when I got good grades… I think if I could go back I would choose to live with my mom… I just didn’t want my dad to be alone… I’ve always tried to take care of everyone else around me I hate causing people pain… Ill always regret hurting my mom by hating her for so much of my child hood and during my teen years when I really needed her….  

Sorry for digging up my past lol I was feeling very idk I just felt like telling you Sorry if it makes no sense I was rambling and stuff…


There is the buzzer my wash is done time to blow this Popsicle stand lol


Love and Rocket Ships,

Another Girls Tail  


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May 20, 2013

RYN: They are bad friends. I’m glad i’m not the only one that feels that way. I’m not quiet though, I’m very blunt actually. Anyways, thanks for reading my entries and comment with encouraging notes 🙂 Aren’t you glad that you moved out?! Lol