Morning Swim

 That awkward moment when you are swimming in your pool topless and the gardeners show up… 

-_- yeah that was my morning hahaha 

The gardeners usually come at 7am and since i woke up at 10:30 super hot, 100 degrees out already, with the house to myself I was like "I think ill go swimming"

Couldn’t find a top so I was like screw it I’ll just go topless the back yard is enclosed no one is around…

Well i was swimming around enjoying myself and I herd a door slam and the backyard gate open… the gardener kid came striding threw  the gate with a lawn mower… I swam to the side and grabbed my towel, but the gardener kid, who is my age and really cute, spotted me… SO AWKWARD!! I was just like "um morning…" I was probably beat red!  He was like "yeah good morning" He was ooking anywhere but at me… I basically died! Then I hightailed it to the house and hid in my room until they left haha…

It was so funny though I laughed so hard thinking about how he must have felt he was probably like OMG…

Its just my luck that the day the gardeners are late I decide to go for a  swim topless… Bloody hell hahaha

Anywho just thought I would share my interesting morning…

I’m going to make an apron today! picked out fabric and stuff really excited! Ill have to post pics! Its going to be so kawaii! 

Oooo Taco Bell for lunch Ry and her mommy just got here with it I love beefy 5 layers haha 

Love and Rocketships, 

Another Girl

 Oh btw this is a colored pencil drawing im working on its not done yet just thought i would share…


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RYN: I was like you8 too. What I was raised on did not sound good! but now I’ve come full circle and am cooking more of the foods my mom made. Go figure! (I actually prefer Nalley’s canned chili!) Lovely Complex is such a great anime. The live movie not so much. The manga looks super! Wow! 100! it’s been running 95 here, bleah! Bring the rain! PLEEEZE! Hope your feeling better about your friend?

RYN: Thanks for the kudos! Good sketch! Your talented, don’t give it up. Start your own manga! use your life as a basis and then adlib some preposterous adventures into it! You’d be great! A N D (I’m sure if you could talk to gardeners they see a LOT of things!!) ha ha! Take care.

HOLY CRAP! I just started watching Shingeki no Kyojin Attack on Titan on Otaku-streamers. OMG! very gory but exceptionally well animated and realistic!! WOW! Makes BLEACH look like a kiddy show!! Not sure if I can stay with it because of the violence. I see why it’s such a BIG hit on the anime boards.

July 27, 2013

go figure right?? normally i never see anyone around at 2-3am, so i thought i could take the garbage out, since it’s right by my apartment. went outside in tshirt, boxers, and boots, and not half way to the bin and a car door opens and girl that lives upstairs is getting out and sees me. oops. dat odd moment.

RYN:I know, Lovely Complex! I couldn’t lose the opening song for a year and had to buy the box set so I could watch it on the BIG SCREEN (we don’t watch any TV the set is just for movies!) I’m impressed Shingeki no kyojin can keep the action up for so long! I started today and I’m on episode 14! Some commonplace things have amazing history! The Wind Rises by Miyazaki is due out soon! Can’t wait!!

RYN: Writing and illustrating your manga…Always use tried and true: “It was a dark and stormy night….” And a wild eyed character staring off to the left! Then you can always go back and change it later once you get going. I still think just doing a day in your life and embellishing it here and there would be a good start! have a merry Sunday!

July 29, 2013

That’s a beautiful drawing!

RYN: I read some manga and really like the light novels but I read them free online. I’m reading the manga online for Highschool DXD. It’s really filled with fan service (Ecchi) but has a good action story, great animation and characters. It’s about demons as good guys so I like it. I ship so much for K-ON! I just bought a VOICE alarm clock off Ebay! The anime search continues!!

I’ve read thousands of books and donated whole shelves to libraries! But my eyes are too weak now so I need the magnification of a computer! I have a Barnes and Noble E-book but it’s a pain! I mostly watch anime. I heard that Kimi Ni Todoke is excellent anime/manga, I’ll have to try it next.

RYN’s: Hah hah, your dad sounds like me! I was scared to death by the Frankenstien and wolfman movies and shared that intense cinema fear with MY kids!! it’s great! Picking up our Japanese exchange student at 12:30! Life here is going to change a LOT! 9Just my luck she will probably hate anime! *sobs uncontrollably* Already know the girl from Thailand doesn’t watch. My life!!! heh he , take care