Jackalope Wranglers


So Connor is going back packing with most of his fam in WY for a week… I’m going to miss him!!!

I made him promise to bring me back a Jackalope, which we shall name Steve… and Steve will be our Jackalope! I’d like 2 Jackalopes if he can catch um! We will settle down and start a Jackalope farm it will be the biggest one this side of the Mississippi! Lol

Here is a fun fact… I grew up in Cody WY I lived there till about 4th grade… It wasaa fun town I use to go to the Museum and look at all the art… I always thought id be a famouse artist or something but yeah never gona happen…

I’m currently listening to Twenty One Pilots.

Drinking some chia tea… Planning to watch another anime today might start Red Data Girl heard ts good idk though…

I have been IMing Tracey she used to be my best friend but we haven’t talked in a while because she dated my brother and cheated on him…. I miss her lol we had so much fun just talking about stuff… I wish things had been different and she had not ever dated my brother… On the bright side her new bf is a huge gamer and has gotten her into it! She is also watching a little bit of anime I’m excited because then I’ll be able to chat with her about it….

 I have never had a lot of nerdy girls for friends mainly because all the nerdy girls I have ever met never wash their hair and look grungy… I’m sorry if I’m being mean, but I don’t want to hang out with someone who doesn’t take care of themselves… Cleanliness is a must!  

Anywho… I need something exciting to happen…   Lol sometimes I say the stupidest things last night I was talking to Con, he was talking about New Mexico, and I was like “is NM even a state?” the second I said it I face palmed! It was seriously the ditsiest thing ever! I can be such a dumb ass sometimes! Haha

Does anyone ever Stumble? I stumble all the time the other day I was stumbling and found this artist who creates beach creatures that move all creepy with the wind… They are made out of pipes and really big like elephant sized! They are somewhat cool, but also really weird… The artist says their dream is to make them so durable and efficient that they can live on their own on beaches in herds… It would be curious to see one on a beach living in a herd…. People have crazy ideas…

I went to the movies on Sat. and saw The Conjuring… It was ok very Amityville Horror feeling any who not amazing but not horrible… At one point, I stabbed myself in the eye with my finger! I was yawning because nothing particularly interesting was happening and some people next to us screamed bloody murder for no reason, it was not even a scary part, any who I jumped about a hundred feet (minor exaggeration) and stabbed myself in the eye with my finger! It bloody hurt! I was very annoyed following that incident… My eye was watering for the remainder of the movie… it looked like i was crying because I kept tearing up!  Anywho

Why isn’t Anywho an actual word? It keeps trying to spell check it! With as much as I use it and hear it used it should be a word! Lol

It is supposed to rain soon I hope it does it has been far too hot! I can’t wait to move back to OR next year I miss the rain! O baby I am going to be so happy when I’m back there I LOATH CA  its far too hot and expensive…

Anywho I’m off to spend my morning with fictional characters! ^_^ Anime!!!! YEAH!!!

Hope you all are WELL!!!

Love and Rocket Ships,

Another Girl

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RYN: I had a good day, I’m SO used to constant screw-ups that I just shake my head and go on! I should have Murphy’s Law tattooed on my chest! Asian cured duck is super good! I’m also watching my boxed set of LOVELY COMPLEX at night. Amazing writers and animators! I’m sad to say but season 2 of Bakemonogatari is not as good. The art is not sharp, stories so-so! BIG sigh. Hey, thanks and wishes!

I seen some of your art, you have super talent! Stay with it! AND if you make a quick run to Texas they sell stuffed mounted Jackalopes everywhere! Yea! So I just made a pot of Salvadorian beans this morning! EXTRA hot! have a enchanting Tuesday!!