I’m Engaged!



Elllo World!
It been a while since I have written. I have been very busy with hat stupid thing called college… I feel like I never get any sleep… bleh when will it end?
So I have some exciting news… I officially got engaged! *Happy Dance* ^_^ Connor proposed it was so cute! We were just doing homework and He taped my ring to a doodle of a ring I had done in my note book I’ll have to post a picture I loved it and of course I said yes!  
My ring is a blue amethyst its perfect I have always liked color more than plain diamonds and Connor knows that so he got me a colored ring =]
Anywho, I already found my dress =] It is old fashioned looking with lace and illusion sleeves it’s exactly what I wanted and I only tried on 3 dresses lol
I’ve been planning stuff since we are getting married in June… I love having stuff organized and done early.
I’m already looking at registering for gifts.
I have always wanted a rubber ducky themed bathroom so I really wanted that theme for our new place, but Connor refuses to have a ducky bathroom! Lol It has become a running joke… we will be doing something and I’ll just start singing the rubber ducky song or else ill stash a rubber ducky in the bathroom for him to find… It always makes him smile, but he is still not giving in… He usually cant say no to my cute face I get when I think something is really cute and want it but its not working this time… He says he is drawing a line… haha o well ill just have to get a new bathroom dream… I found a cute whale one, but it isn’t a complete set so I’m still looking.
I am enjoying looking for kitchen stuff and comforter sets =] I found a fun one with a bamboo theme so I’m going to make our bedroom bamboo and panda themed… I already have plans for a painting to go over the bed… I love being an artist because I can just create the perfect paintings and things for my house =]
Gosh I sound braggy…. I’m just planning everything lol I need to slow down and breathe
I’m just excited!!!!
Hmmm not much else is going on beside the usual homework and school stuff which I hate… The longer I go to college the more I want to quit and just work at like McDonalds for the rest of my life… but of course I’m not going to …
I hope everyone has been doing well! Thank you for reading and taking interest in Another Girls life…
Love and Rocket Ships,
Another Girl

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October 29, 2013


November 1, 2013

kudos! nice to see ya so full of happy. i share similar thoughts about college. i’m on my last few classes but i’ve lost so much care that i don’t even bother doing all of the work or showing up for class every week.