Face Palm


So I was chopping up some kale for a salad and I cut my thumb open. 

This was how I discovered that we had McDonald’s’ themed Band-Aids. 

McDonald’s. *Face Palm* Oh America…


Well I am back from Oregon… It was awesome! Even funner (not a word) haha then last time! Wish I could have stayed longer =] can’t wait until I move back there!  I have been meaning to post this since Monday lol I keep adding to it that’s why it’s so long… Finally posting so yeah…

So the car ride sucked!!!! It was so bloody hot!!!! We were dying! I was in my bikini top the whole way and we kept spraying ourselves with a water squirt bottle… We even wrote Air Conditioner on it haha it was so ghetto! It was nice having a cooler with beverages and ice though…

Anywho after about 8 hours of driving we finally got there. I will be so happy when Connor finally gets his license I hate driving like completely LOATH it! The song of our trip was Get Lucky by Daft Punk =] We also listened to a ton of oldies like The Kinks and stuff I think listening to music is the only thing I like about driving lol


On the fourth, we were in a parade and I got to throw candy and fun little fourth of July themed toys to kids! I had so much fun with ry throwing stuff! I got so many compliments about my hair =] Next year I am totally doing it red and white or something patriotic for the parade! After the parade, we went to the river and had a BBQ with burgers and potato salad it was yummy! We swam in the creek for a while then went home. Me, Ry, Con, and my brothers were watching scary movies and playing minecraft … We got on top of the three story barn my mom has to watch the fireworks it was the perfect view ^_^ I am posting a pick!


This was the view from on top of the barn the buildings you can see are where the fire works were launched we had front row seats it was so cool! 

On Friday we went to the ocean I Love the Oregon coast! It was so nice all sunny but not hot… Loved it! O that reminds me I got so tan I’m already pretty tan naturally cause of my Indian heritage but golly I was brown especially my left arm since it was in the sun for the 8 hour drive!  Anywho lets see I’ve been watching a lot of anime finished Maid Sama I really wana get the manga after I finish getting the next volume of Kamisama Kiss… I’m going to go broke buying Manga DX Its ok though I really love collecting books I plan on having a giant library in my house one day! Heck Yes!

Whoa, got side tracked.. So on Saturday I went and spent time with my Dad and Patti (Step mom) they got drunk with my Bro and were being wild and super funny lol we went driving up the back roads… I was driving the ATV with Con and Ry… it was so fun! I grew up doing stuff like that Riding ATVs and Dirt Bikes and stuff… but I haven’t done it in so long I forgot how much fun it was! On the way back to their house, which is in the middle of nowhere, I let Colt my bro drive the ATV with his girlfriend I’m glad I did to cause Ruger my Dads jack Russell terrier got nailed by a skunk! He was running with the ATV when it happened so I am glad I was nowhere near it! Lol

So Me Con Ry my dad and patti were all in the big truck with my older bro in the back and we were driving home when one of their neighbors (a total stoner) flags them down in his bathrobe… So my dad stops and they start talking. Apparently this guy wants to start a nudist colony out there it was funny listening to them talk. Anyway my dad tells the bathrobe guy to Pet his dog (ruger was in the back of the truck with my older bro) The stoner guy (who is like 60) walks over to the back and starts petting my brother bahahaha he was like wtf why is this guy petting me… It was hilarious! Then the Bath robe guys wife came out and was talking about her pot plants and the best way to make brownies… I am not talking about the box mix kind… Seriously, it was something out of a movie! So funny…

We also went swimming at the bridge; it was really fun because there is a rope swing and stuff! Gosh I wana go back! I miss it!

Well I should probably shut up and go work on my speech I’m giving tonight… Sorry for writing so much…

Love and Rocket Ships,

Another Girl 

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July 10, 2013

saw you on the front page. love your background 🙂

RYN:Glad you had a good time! Great description!!I lived in Roseburg for a while (about 40 yrs ago!)I love Lolita fashion! I really like gothic Lolita! There is no place here for cosplay folks to parade around. Maybe in Portland? My wife is Asian, in her 30’s, she dressed as Rukia from Bleach. Perfect fit! Samurai sword, frown and all! I should figure out how to post pics.? Glad you made it safe!

July 10, 2013

So how is your thumb now? Hope its ok. I wish I can have anime band aids! lol wow you had so much fun. RYN: I KNOW RIGHT!!! NAruto is like my inspiration… he never gives up. And yeah… please those flash backs and those fillers… need to stop. Thank you. I am fine now.

July 17, 2013

You are so bloody cute! lol I was reading your note in an Australian accent…or was it New Zealand….ah hell same thing! Welcome back to Cali….beware…using knives can cut thumbs! Oh and I hate 8 hours of driving…I feel ya. That trip is not fun. Oregon is beautiful…but are the coasts there kinda cold?