Everything and Nothing!

 Ello Ello Ello!!!! 

So Its been a little bit… I haven’t had a computer cause my laptop is being super spazzy and over heats… I’m sick of typing on my ipod though so I’m using the boy friends laptop =] 

I’m bored I’m having one of those moments where there is so much you wana do that you don’t know what you wana do! Like I wana watch anime but at the same time i wana play Swtor and draw or paint or read my new books i got! gosh see i just wana do everything and nothing all at once! bleh! 

Lets see I watched an anime this week that i absolutely adored!!!! It was called Kamisama Kiss and i LOVE it!! I’m very sad that there is only one season, but i’m not concerned because I am now reading the manga which is so good! Tomoe cracks me up so much! anyway…. I also finished hiiro no kakera the tamayori princess it was ok i was a bit unsatisfied with the ending cause they didn’t kiss but eh still cute…

In other news ry cut her finger open yesterday on the printer… she freaked out cause she has Hemophobia! She came into cons room where I was reading and was like "I’m bleeding" then she got really pale and started to go down… I grabbed her and brought her to the sink and rinsed away some blood to see how deep it was she cut it pretty deep, but not enough to need stitches… She Started to faint so i sat her in a chair got  a cool wash cloth and told her to put it on her face and not look… I then cleaned it and put a bandaid on…  all was well or so I thought… Ry kept sqeezing it and making it bleed and complaining and it was really getting on my nerves…

I think i just have a super high pain tolerance or something but stuff like that is not that bad… My dad use to always tell me to rub some dirt on it when i got hurt he was joking of course but he didn’t even get us bandaids… Growing up with brothers i got cut up a lot but I would never cry about it… My dad use to laugh and call me a little dare devil cause id always bloody myself up (I lived in the country so there wasn’t a hole lot to do other than taring stuff up and getting roughed up….  anywho point is physical pain doesn’t faze me I even put a cigarette out on my arm when I was a sophmore in HS… I was pretty wild and dumb back then… I would like to clarify that I find smoking gross (My dad and stepmom are avid smokers I will never smoke) It was not my cigarette…. My older bros friend didn’t think i could do it so i did just to prove him wrong…. Like i said i was and idiot and i’m not proud of the scar i now bare on my left wrist… wow i got way off topic lol 

Ok so anywho im sorry im such a sucky writer! It has never been one of my strong points… Gosh i had so much i wanted to write about this week but now that I am actually writing I don’t want to gah! I will leave now and go watch Attack on Titan! Loving this anime so glad someone recommended it ^_^ Arigato

Love and Rocketships, 

Another Girl


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OOH! Attack on Titan is next on my list! I’ll have to watch Kamisama Kiss, is it shoujo or romance/comedy? 2 people told me to watch Baskets Case, said it’s wonderful! I’m watching Mouretsu Pirates, wow! great adventure and SF! Finishing up Angel Beats, tonight I hope! Yeah, 1 season sucks. I’m reading Kashimashi Girl meets Girl manga (1 season, rats!) Stay busy!