Date Night


So I finally have some stuff to write about…

YEAH!!! lol

So I went on a date with my boyfriend last night I got all dressed up with my hair all pretty and pastely and a cute dress it was fun! =]

We saw We’re the Millers and afterwards went to a local restaurant to eat… We were sitting at this table talking when this girl who looked maybe 17 stopped in the isle near our table and took a picture of me…. she then left no words nothing just takes a complete strangers photo and walks away… I have no idea who she was or why she took my photo lol I guess maybe she liked my hair I do get a lot of compliments and looks because of it… idk I wasn’t sure if I should take it as a compliment or be severely weirded out… Who knows what kind of creepy things she could do with my picture… 

 A lady walked by are table and touched my shoulder… She was like hey I like your hair and I was just like THANKS! but in my head I was really like FALCON PUNCH her immediately! I don’t like it when strangers touch me it is like an invasion of my personal bubble….  

I’m kind of upset, because when we went to see the R rated movie I didn’t get carded…. The theater here is really strict about it to! Usually you have to show ID when buying the ticket, when giving the ticket to the taker person, and when entering the theater where the movie is playing. I didn’t get asked for ID once… Its very distressing, because in my head im just like "o God, I’m getting really old! so old that people think i’m over the age of 17!" I almost felt like screaming wait i’m really 16 I’m not an old person! I really wanted to be carded, becasue it makes me feel young… =[ But I guess I need to start facing my reality I’m 20 years old and I have found gray hair… I am no longer a teenager! It is completely and utterly distressing!

O well in other news… I’ve been watching a lot of anime as per usual. I have decided to re watch all the Avatar episodes including Legend of Korra in honer of the new season coming out this Sept!!! It sure took um long enough! 

I’m thinking about asking Ry if she wants to go have lunch with me at Kate’s Tea House and get a cup of tea!

Connor is still sleeping and I am hungry! I also really want some tea…

  Hmmm I should make this happen lol 

Well I shall go then…

Love and Rocket Ships,

Another Girl! 


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You are WAY too young to even worry about that! I got carded once when I was 34! I gave the woman a $20 tip!! Ya-Hoo! I felt so young!!! heh-heh-heh!

RYN: Yep! I like your post on Tumblr too! We all “Those” days!! I’m sure the incredibly rich do to!..(OK, maybe not them, lol) We ‘re off in a few hours to pick-up the Thai girl at PDX! 38 hour trip on planes from Thailand! OUCH! I am getting SO many anime idea and explanations from our J-girl!! i’m in heaven!!YES!!! Take care, you have a great smile!