Candy Candy Candy!




Hey Hey Hey!


So I saw The Great Gatsby yesterday with Ry it was an ok movie I like the book better!

There is a part where Gatsby is in Toms face and yelling and their foreheads are touching and there was so much sexual tension I yelled KISS HIM! Bahaha It was hilarious, and Toby Maguire’s scarf billowing in the wind was so funny!

Anywho, no one else will probably find that funny, but I thought it was hilarious!

            We ate so much freaking candy we always go to wallmart and buy a bunch of snacks and then take them in in my purse… on the drive home we were talking about characters in books that we have a crush on… Well it started with me bringing up how Connor and I were joking about role playing and what we would want the other person to be I said Draco Malfoy/ Tom Felton lol Connor thought it was really funny anywho… I admitted to Ry that I have always had a huge thing for Draco Malfoy lol partly because I love how hot his distraught emotional misunderstood character is in HBP, but also cause Tom Felton is gorgeous! Lol yeah… She picked Ron Weasley we were both laughing so hard it was great! Yeah we are major looser nerds that read a lot of books…  

            Ry doesn’t play video games like me so she doesn’t have a video game crush, but I had a huge crush on Carth Onasi from Knights of the Old Republic! He was a babe haha yes I know he isn’t real and he’s an animated person, but I thought he was super sexy!

Anywho, I painted Cakes nails when we got home I got new nail polish that was really cool it looked like paint splatters… Cakes Connors little sister, I love having pseudo little sisters. I grew up with Brothers so having little sisters now is the best! Me and Cake always cook and clean together and stuff its fun… Paigy is so funny she is always off in her own little world and like talking to herself she reminds me of a mini Luna Lovegood she is so crazy and has light blond hair… I bought her some spectral specs and everything lol

Ry has the prom today her dress is so gorgeous!  She is seriously like the prettiest person on the planet! I hope she has fun with her date who is super cute! =] I went to 6 proms in High School… I went freshman and sophomore year then I went to 2 my junior year and 2 my senior, because Connor and me went to two different High Schools…  It was never very magical it got old after the first time lol, but I do love dancing albeit not very well… I’m very clumsy!

            Well I should probably go finish getting ready for the day I have to take Con to get his hair cut then buy some stuff from the craft store… I’m excited for mothers day tomorrow I spent like 100 dollars on stuff for My mommy and Cons! I love buying presents for ppl….


Love and Rocket Ships,

Another Girls Tale


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