Camplaints Car and College


Well I’ve been back at school for about two weeks and it sucks!! I feel like I never get sleep! I’m on campus like all bloody day and the only class I’m enjoying is 3D modeling and Animation… My history class completely sucks! We have to write so many essays and they all have to be like 14 pages long! English isn’t so bad I’m doing Old English like Beowulf all the way up to present… It’s a small class so that’s nice and there are windows in the classroom! I love having windows makes it all cheery and bright especially since my class is in the early afternoon… I hate class rooms with no windows! I feel like I’m trapped in a cave and the lack of light makes classes feel so long….

I’m really glad it’s almost the weekend… I have so much to do! My car broke down = [so it is in the shop… I have to go and get a part for it and format it or something Idk what exactly I’m supposed to do I’m just doing what I’m told… I’m verily certain that I’m going to get lost and it’s going to be horrible… I have the worst sense of direction and I have no idea where the auto parts place is just the general area so naturally I foresee myself getting very lost and disoriented… I may never return…  It doesn’t help that I’m driving my BF family’s Suburban truck thing it’s HUGE and like a freaking tank! I’m use to my little car so I have trouble parking it and backing up.

 I had just picked Paige up from school when it stopped working. I stopped at the little store near the house so we could get ice cream and when I went to leave it wouldn’t start… I had no cellphone because I never have my cell so I didn’t know what to do. I asked this old lady walking by if I could use her phone and she let me but Connor was at work and his mom wasn’t answering the phone. Luckily the lady was really nice and gave us a ride home… It was a huge pain and I’ll just be glad when it’s over and I can have my stupid car back… My FAFSA is pretty much gone after this I was hoping it would last longer but unfortunately I had to get new tires and I bought my tablet and now this!

 O well I’ll just have to get another job or something idk when ill have time to I already work 20 hrs. and go to school full time. I could get something on the weekend I use to work as a waitress on the weekends but I never had any time for homework and sleep… I don’t really fancy doing that again.

Well I suppose I will do my homework I have a ton of it…

Love and Rocket Ships,

Another Girl


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September 19, 2013

I HATE THAT. my car is having probs too where the steering wheel is giving a lot of resistance when i turn. so when i get my college money on the 27th, it’s not going to anything fun or savings, nope, it’s for yet another car repair! yay? if taking the bus wasn’t so ****ty, i would take that. i’m sick of car issues and the fact that they cost hundreds-thousands to repair.