Attack! Attack!

 Idk why I’m writing an entry. There is not anything of interest to report I’m just bored really bloody bored! I probably won’t post this I do that a lot ill write an entry and then never post it… I’m listening to Air Traffic …. Bleh i really wish there was something exciting happening! Oh dear god!!!! As soon as I wrote that a spider ran across the desk at work he lunged at me and naturally I screamed and ran outside probably looking like a lunatic!!!! I Hate spiders loath them completely!!! Ahhh just thinking about it makes me cringe… The creaton probably wanted revenge for all the spiders ive had smooshed recently! i would like them all to be terminated! I’m lucky a nice boy in a car stopped… He looked at me like I was crazy. He gave me a funny look so I told him there was a giant spider in my booth attacking me and he got out of his car and vanquished it ha ha thank goodness someone saved me!!! Now I’m back in my booth in tack and safe accept every time my hair brushes my neck I jump thinking its another spider this place is over running with the bastards! 

The boy asked if I wanted to go out sometime?! I was like um… I have a fiancé…. I was probably bright red I never get asked out like ever I’m the kind of girl that doesn’t get asked to prom… Connor was the first boy to ask me out and it was over a txt ha ha the boy was kind of cute but deffintly nowhere near as cute as connor…. Everything was all awkward which sucked cause he just saved me from a spider and he seemed really nice and we were smiling and having a pleasant Conversation about mountain lions ( because there is a sign on my booth notifying ppl about them) anywho thought I had made a friend nothing kills newly planted friendship like awkward rejection.. O well ha ha nice boy but I’m deleriously happily taken! 

Probably wont mention this to connor he gets jealeous ha ha  anywho 

there I wrote something kind of eventful even if it is boring because I’m not much of a writer… I get off work in 20 minutes… 🙂 Ry has class tody other wise we could go enjoy my pool until I have to go to class . Bleh speach class is going to be so boring at least it’s only till July 11 It’s hot again wish my car had air conditioning its so annoying to drive the ark when it’s hot! anywho got to get ready to close up so bye bye!

Love and Rocket Ships

Another Girl

by the way I typed on my iPod so sorry for all the proposterous spelling and grammar… 

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June 11, 2013

I hate spiders too.

OK! If a spider introduced you the guy was probably a millionaire! or serial killer…. Hard to say with spiders! take care.

I’m being curious… you work at a desk, in a “Booth” and are able to jump up and run outside to the street! Right? I can not picture what or where you work! I have a vivid imagination too!! Just wondering.

RYN: OH! I did not think of that!! Thanks for telling me! Wow! When I hauled rock from quarries we had to stop when leaving at the scales. Inside was a girl or woman in a tiny scale shack. Chair, computer scale and counter. Always hundreds of yards from anyone! We drivers were always in a hurry so it was sign the ticket, say HI and leave! I always wanted that job!! I carry spiders outside.