Art Work

well I haven’t posted anything for a bit I just haven’t felt like writing anything… ive been drawing in my sketchbook a lot I kind of have a problem with drawing stuff in the middle of the night and then never finishing it… I just will feel super inspired in the middle of the night and start drawing but then I get super tired and never finish it…

My sleeping pattern is so trucked up! I was doing good all summer going to bed by about 11 getting up at 6 perfectly fine but I have had 2 weeks off from work since school is starting and now I stay up till 3 am and sleep till 12 yeah not good lol

The brake has been nice but I was only planning on one week I was suppose to be back at school this week but the stupid Rim fire in CA right now caused my school to close for the week.

I was actually excited to start school. O well…

I am going to visit my nana in Napa this weekend im excited to see her its been a wile…

I got a surface im pretty excited because its like a laptop but in a tablet… I love it a lot =]

This is the drawing I just finished if your interested… I have always sucked at drawing roses and I screwed up places where the pen I was using bled but o well I don’t completely hate it….

These are some paintings I did recently


I know im not amazing lol but I enjoy it so I don’t really care =]


anywho im off to watch anime

Love and Rocket Ships

another girl

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August 30, 2013

Did you say you are not amazing? Let me tell you lady, you are! I am a fan now.

September 1, 2013

Those wings look great! And the composition with the roses is good too. The 3rd abstract piece down (4th if you include the angel drawing) is amazing!! I love those colors and all the texture! Re: Thank you! May I ask how you found the entry, since it was from a few months ago? I’m just curious, that’s all 😛