

I’m going to do a quick entry wile i wait for Ry to get ready to film a music video… We rewrote Taylor Swifts Trouble to be about Bases from chemistry lol its pretty awesome… 

I got a new hair style! Check it out over to the left 😉 isnt it adorable? Yeah I know!!! lol Anywho Im loving the lavender and bangs…

I got some Vi shape mix stuff to start loosing weight im excited to start seeing results I wana drop 50 pounds by next june =] and drinking the shakes and excersising should help me do it fast.

Im back in sunny California drove back yesterday it was a fun trip =] I enjoyed Rafting and boatnik (I rode a ton of fun carnival rides and painted my face) I absolutely LOVE my little brothers girlfriend! She is so awesome we hung out a whole bunch and I hennaed her hands and feet… I keep getting asked by people if I’ll henna them I should totally start a business… 

Me and Connor got in a semi fight over my dad and patti… We went to there house for a BBQ and they all got piss ass drunk and started being roudy and trying to get me con and ry to drink with them. It was really horrible and akward cause none of us drink and Patti my dad my older bro and Pattis 3 daughters were all drinking and being crazy and pushy… It was embarrassing to have con and ry around them.. Idk It just sucks and I’m conflicted about drinking cause on one hand I dont like it and i hate how ppl act and how my dads always drinking but then on the other hand everyone is or does do it so idk I feel weird not  …

Ill continue this entry later ry is ready to film ttyl ^_^

Love and Rocket Ships,

Another Girls Tale 


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