A Change of Scenery

So today I was pondering the direction of my life like I usually do. Only lately I’ve been craving some adventure in my life. I’ve been looking to hit the reset button on life. I’m not sure how I’d ultimately do this. I’m just tired of feeling confined to my suburban apartment and all the "luxuries" that come with it. There’s a whole word out there to experience. 

I’m not sure how I’d ultimately achieve my goal of adventure, but I do know where I can start.

I’d start by throwing out all the shit I don’t need and probably won’t ever have a use for in my life anymore. I’d put the rest into storage. Then I’d find a room to rent. I’d take only what I’d need for day to day life. I’d probably find a room on Craig’s List. There’s always people on there renting out rooms for a few hundred bucks a month. I’d find a room in the city. 

It’d just be a place for me to shower and sleep. I’d spend the rest of my time exploring the city and meeting people. I’d be somewhat of a drifter. 

Now, the only problem is, I’m not sure I have the guts to do this. I’d basically be throwing away all the "luxuries" of suburban life. I think I want to do this, though. I only live once. I need to get out there and live. 

Maybe you’ll read this and think it’s a good idea. Maybe you’ll think it’s a shit idea. I think most people on OD are open to the idea of adventure. Either way, leave me some comments please. I need encouragement to do this. This isn’t something I would usually do, but I’m tired of my same old life and surrounding. It’s time for a change. I think I’m ready.



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June 16, 2010

As long as you have some income to pay for the room, why not? You’re not really getting rid of the important stuff ~ just storing it, so you could get it back again if you decided to finally rent an apartment. I think it could be enjoyable for a while. I don’t think you’ll want to do it for the rest of your life, but why not enjoy your youth and singleness while you can? Maybeit’s because I’m of a similar mindset. I’m looking at renting a room when I go back to school in January, so I’ll be doing basically the same thing. *shrugs*