
Ali texted me today. Ali is a girl that I met online a decade ago. We’ve kept in touch since. We’ve never met, although we’ve contemplated it. Once she came close to buying a plane ticket, but the both of us ultimately decided not to meet. At least not at that time in our lives. 

I can’t really be rational about it, but the truth is, I’ve always felt a strange connection Ali. There were a few periods in my life growing up that I felt I loved her. I know there were periods when she felt the same way. In the back of our minds, we’ve always felt that maybe we’d go good together. But we live on opposite ends of the country. It was just never that easy for either of us to abandon our lives. 

But anyway, she texted me tonight. She never really texts me, so this is a rare thing. She tells me that she’s driving across the country to go live in Washington. She had no particular reason why. She was just doing it because she could.

I think that’s totally fucking awesome. For a girl in her mid 20’s to just pick up, leave everything behind, and go on an adventure like that is incredible to me. 

But anyway, I’m carrying on too much. I offered her to come to New Orleans. She said, "That would be amazing – I’ll definitely let you know."

Now, I don’t quite know why, but I have this feeling that we’re going to be meeting each other soon. It just seems like it. She’s driving from Wisconsin to Washington right now. She’s always wanted to come to New Orleans. We always wanted to meet each other. I just have this feeling that this is gonna happen. It seems logical.

I’m actually really worried about Ali, though. What the heck is she doing? I love the thought of it, but she’s out there all alone. That’s not cool. I know she’s probably trying to find herself. I understand that. I’m just worried. I should have called her today instead of just texting. I didn’t wan to be overbearing though. I didn’t want to seem like I was trying to jump in her life. I didn’t want me to seem like I was trying to convince her to come to New Orleans, but god, that would be awesome!

I wanna meet this girl so bad. I decided that I’d text her tomorrow or the next day and just see how she’s doing. 

In other news, I think I need to lay things to rest with Megan. She was gone this past weekend, so we didn’t get to hang out, but I think I was kinda glad of it. We’ve been dating for a month and I still don’t really feel any connection to her on anything than a friendly level. I’d say I was stringing her along, but the relationship has slowly progressed. But Megan isn’t the one. I know she’s not. Egh.

Anyway, here’s to hoping that I can finally meet Ali. I don’t even know what I’d do if she got here. I’m more than broke right now. I have no money to spare for good times. But I guess I’ll cross that bridge if and then we get there. 


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May 31, 2010

people do it all the time – i wouldn’t worry. i moved to nyc from the midwest at 22 on a moments notice, 3 suitcases, no friends, apartment, or job, and here i am 5 years later thriving. I’m sure she’ll be fine, and have the time of her life! the excitement from that experience was unforgettable. im kind of jealous of her actually! hope you meet, that sounds really cool you guys kept in touch all

May 31, 2010

that time!

June 1, 2010

Maybe now is the right time for you guys to meet. 🙂

June 1, 2010

And where did all your entries go after 2008? Did you just make them private?!

June 2, 2010

She’ll be fine. I moved out to Dallas after college and lived there all alone. Taught me a lot about myself. It’s definitely a brave thing to do, but also exciting. I wouldn’t trade that experience for anything. I hope you get to meet her.

June 2, 2010

I’ve met a couple people from “the interweb” and it was a lot of fun! I think if she’s closer (idk) take a chance and meet up! Unless one of you is a psycho killer, in that case, don’t do it! 😉