trips ‘n shit

 Been doin some trips, went to Chicago to see some friends, see "Gaelic Storm", cover the Big Ten Basketball tournament, and generally spend st patrick’s day.

It went mostly amazing.  There was some drunken drama among my friend and his wife (seriously, who threatens to divorce someone at a bar at 4am??)

other than that, it was awesome.  got closer with some friends, was able to de-stress, got to watch some fun basketball (even if iowa didn’t win), hang out with great folks, etc etc.

103 days until the wedding, 24 days until the bachelor party.  getting super excited.

also losing weight really, really well.  Since the beginning of the year I’m down about 15 pounds, at 228 right now.  my original goal was 220 by the wedding, clearly going to smash that.  now hoping to be in the 200-210 range by the wedding.

not much else to say, i guess…

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