survey while i kill time

Do you like eating sour things?
love love love it.

Are your nails painted red?
umm. no.  i’m a dude.

What is your definition of love?
yeah right.

Do you like pickles?

Do you have any drinking cups with Disney charecters on them?
hmm. dont think so, no.

Are you holding off on doing something right now?
yeah, ‘work’.

Excited for anything you’re doing tomorrow?
definitely! jo and nic’s wedding!

Will you be moving anytime soon?
nope, not really.

Have you ever been on a baseball/soft ball team?
not that i remember.

What’s the temperature today?
right now, 87 with a heat index of 100.  blaaah

What type of science class are you in, if any?
No more classes, i’m old balls.

Is there a television on in the room you’re in right now? If so, is it on mute?
no television

Have you ever written a book? Perhaps you are writing one right now?

Did you or any of your friends make a survey today?
ruby posted this one, thus i stole it.

Favorite flavored milk shake?
hmmm.  vanilla or strawberry.

Do you like graham crackers with peanut butter and jelly?
peanut butter – yes.  jelly – no.

Does it annoy/offend you when people call something "gay"?
yeah.  a lot.

Have you ever grew watermellons? How’d they turn out?
nope.  i dont grow shit.

Was there a carousel inside of the last mall you were in?
hmm.  yes there was. 

Favorite piece of jewelry?
i don’t wear jewelry.

Are you going to a library tomorrow?
Not planning on it, no.

What word do you always have trouble spelling?
commitment.  i always wanna put two t’s in it.

Did you ever have a really close friend move away?
Yep.  plenty.

What would you like to see if you went scuba diving?

What’s something you’ve always wanted to do?

Do you know how to swim?

Are you cold right now?
nope, hot and sweaty.

Read any good books lately?
yeah. i’m reading a few right now that are helpful

What do you like to dip your popcorn in, if anything?
umm. nothing?

Last form of exercising you participated in?
umm.  i go for brisk walks a few times a day. 

Did you plant any flowers today?

What’s your favorite flower and why?
don’t really give a shit.

Something you’ve always wondered?
too many things to list, just read back through my entries, i put all my wonderings here.

Would you rather have dinner with God or Buddha?
hmmm.  god probably.

Have you ever worked with clay?
Yeah, terribly.

What’s the most creative thing you’ve ever done?
umm.  my theatre degree?

What’s the most creative thing someone has done for you?

Have you ever had a dream that you were taking a survey?

Most useful thing someone has ever taught you?
how to open a beer with another beer.

What’s the last thing you said aloud?

Last song you sung?
"erase me" by kid cudi.

What’s your opinion of America?
i like it.

Do you or your best friend play in a band?

Do you have a lover?

In school, did/do you find yourself alone a lot?

Can two living souls become one?
umm. no.

Who is your truest friend?

Have you ever played with moon sand?
wtf is moon sand?

Have you ever bought a book about a religion, besides the bible?

Nearest thing to your left? Why is the item where it is?

Last time you used a highlighter?
hmm.  no clue.

What is your opinion on smoking?

Last song you listened to and what does it mean to you?
i’m currently listening to "erase me" by cudi on repeat.  and it’s about a breakup. 

Is the sun shining today?
it was, but storms are rolling in.

Have you ever had to do community service? How many hours and what for?
if volunteering in exchange for a concert ticket counts, yes. 

What movie best describes your mood today?

What’s your status on fb/myspace currently?
Brian doesn’t want to be at work currently.  Rather be elsewhere.

What’s the name of a song you’ve listened to a lot recently?
Pursuit of Happiness, kid cudi

Are you texting anyone at this moment?
I’m IMing with kel, who’s on her phone.

Who did you last have over your house, why were they there?
jo and nic, to help finish up wedding invites maybe?

Recently, who in your house has gotten on your nerves the most?
my mom?

Think of the most recent time that you went out to eat with someone, who ended up paying?

Is there anything that’s been weighing on your mind as far as a decision your contemplating whether to act on or not? explain.
Not going to explain here.

What all has pissed you off today, if anything at all?
Haha.  Not for public consumption.

How often do you talk to the person you currently have feelings for?
Not often.

When was the last time you couldn’t stop laughing?
I can’t remember. 🙁

Out of all of your friends who have you gotten in the worst fight with? explain what happened.
I haven’t really had huge blowups with a lot of my friends.

Who was the last person to have to deal with you having an attitude?
jo or kel.

If you had $100 dollars, how would you spend it?
to just blow?  probably clothes.

What’s something you would love to have happen right now?
for it to be 2 weeks in the future.

You were given the opportunity to get a new cellular device, what do you choose?
i just bought a iphone 4 and wouldn’t change it.

Which of your classes in school is most capable of killing a good mood for you?
umm.   not in school anymore.

How nice of a person are you, honestly?
painfully nice, to the point where it takes a LOT for me to actually stand up for myself.

What good things have happened today?
hmm.  nothing really good has happened yet.  lunch with a friend was great, but nothing amazing yet.

Can you honestly say that at this point and time your happy with the way things are going in your life?
the past day or so, yes, if they keep on this track, im’ happen.

Is there anyone of your preffered sex who tends to mess with your head?

What have you recently gotten the most compliments on?
hmm. i dont’ remember getting a lot of compliments on anything recently.

When you get to go shopping for new clothes, where do you go to find your clothes?
old navy most of the time.

Do you and your best friend(s) act the same, or are very different from eachother?explain.

ve got friends all over the map.

How do you feel about Inter-racial couples?
Dont’ really give a shit.

Have you ever thought you were in love, and then realized later on that your feelings weren’t as strong as you had thought?

When will be the next time you travel out of state, where will you be going?
hmm.  st louis in a few weeks, probably.

If I was too see you face to face, who would you more than likely be with?
umm.  i’m alone.?

What is one assumption people make of you, by just seeing you?
no clue.

When deciding the significance of someone in your life, what is an important deciding factor?
whether they’re going to be there for me.  i’m done with people who can’t maintain a balance of power/caring.

What is something that you have come to realize doesn’t work for you?
too hard of a questiont o answer right now.

Have you ever grown apart from someone, and then over time you came back into each others lives?

On a scale of 1 to 10 how shy are you?

Choose one quality of yours that has caused you problems, explain one situation where the quality was apparent.
hmm.  i’m a pushover at times, and get myself into things where i’m too eager to make sure other people are good before worrying about myself.

Have you ever fallen for your best friend?

Is there something you should be doing right now, besides this survey?
at work, soooooo yeah.

When was the last time you turned down making plans with someone, why did you?
last week, i wasn’t in the mood to leave my bed.

Who did you last confide in, what did it involve?
fuck this question.


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