not hot (tmi warning)

Tmi warning…

so its no secret I’m not all that physically attractive of a dude.  Carolyn, on the other hand, is beautiful.  Obviously she sees other things in me that make her want to marry me, but I feel really bad that I can’t give her the same "wow" factor when it comes to the physical side of things.  That comes along with bits of jealousy and inadequacy when there’s some hot naked dude in TV or movies. I know I’ll never look like alcide or Jeremy renner or whoever.  Like she loves me and just "puts up" with what I look like without a shirt, rather than actually enjoying my physical appearance the way I do hers.  Makes me feel like a bad partner …  not sure how to help this…

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September 4, 2012

Ah hun! Do you have what’s app? We need to talk about this. I think I can help you on this one.

September 4, 2012

you just gotta get over yourself. physical attraction is a part of love–whether you love your physique or not you just have to accept that she does. being jealous or insecure, especially of men she’ll never meet or even see in real life, is only going to poison your relationship. if you need to talk to her about it, do it, and move on. accept that she loves you for YOU. ALL of you.

September 4, 2012

my note sounded mean but i didn’t mean it that way. i can’t delete it… i just mean that this is something you have to find a way to get over or move past or it will become a problem you can’t fix.

September 8, 2012

My most recent boyfriend broke up with me because he said he couldn’t fall in love with me because he wasn’t physically attracted to me. I think you are being a little bit outlandish here. Does your lady tell you you are unattractive? I bet she doesn’t. I bet she says she is attracted to you physically and trust me, if she weren’t, she wouldn’t be with you in the first place.