feeling ranty

I feel like a jackass even writing this post, but i gotta get it out.

It seems like everybody’s having a great go of life lately, and I’m…. not…  

I’ve got a great, supportive, awesome woman in my life who’s kept me afloat the past few weeks, but besides that, life’s taken a dump on me pretty hard.

My car, which is at about 99,000 miles, had a water pump and 3 hoses go bad and a tire go flat.  1,000 bucks, right out the window.
The university started taking money out of my paycheck to pay a past-due bill that up until now they haven’t given a shit about
My jaw still isn’t healing, yesterday I went to an infectious disease specialist.  They’re putting me on 8 weeks of IV antibiotics with a PICC line.  A PICC line is an IV that stays in your arm for extended periods of time to give IV meds outside of the hospital.
My anxiety’s spiked pretty hard the past few weeks because of the extra stress, leading to more worry, blah blah blah blah blah
The antibiotics make me run down, upset stomach, and unable to have more than one beer without making me feel sick
I’ve had a cold…

Meanwhile, those around me…

Multiple people getting new cars, trip to miami, days off to drink and watch basketball, trip to jamaica, trip to hawaii, crazy sick birthday bonanzas, etc, etc.

i know it’s just the ebb and flow of life, and i’m honest happy all my people are going well, but it’s just frustrating when every day someone pops up with some sort of "OMG AWESOME" thing, and then the universe says "oop, time to get vein-fucked by a tiny little tube"

…ok… rant over… move along, nothing to see here.

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March 10, 2011

hugs you. all this will pass. it will be all right.

March 10, 2011

I’m not sure if I’ve told you this. But there’s this guy that works in my mall, that looks a lot like you.. and I think it’s odd.. even his glasses kind of remind me of you.. Just thought I should tell you that. He walked by the other day.. and I had to think about it. =P