dum de dum

 so umm, busy couple weeks.

this weekend, went to a wedding, one of carolyn’s cousins.  crazy conservative religious stuff… they’re like 22, they got engaged in february, and married in july.  their first kiss was at the altar, her vows were all about submitting to her husband’s wishes, blah blah blah.  they NEVER said her name all day, it was always "Mr and Mrs Hisname"…  and the kicker…  she’d been offered a job as a teacher.  he MADE HER TURN IT DOWN because…  wait for it…. she’d be SHARING A CLASSROOM WITH ANOTHER MALE TEACHER…  completely flabbergasted that something like that still happens today.  really folks?  equality, man.. equality…  
the reception was fairly good, all things considered.  painfully expensive cash bar, but decent music and whatnot…  carolyn’s sister sort of pulled me aside and asked me if i thought she was ‘the one’..  took a second to think, and said ‘yeah, yeah i think she is"
apparently, on the other side of the room, her brother was asking her the same thing, and she responded the same way…  we’ve only been dating for 7 months, but it’s just feeling right… definitely not rushing toward it.  we’ve talked about starting to look for a place next year, with a target move-in date of sometime early/mid summer.  which would put a possible important question being presented late next year…  and weirdly, that doesn’t scare me, or us.  ðŸ™‚
that’s fun.
umm, broke a rib, that’s being a major pain in the (side)… gnarly bruise on my hip.. slip n slides aren’t for grown-ups…
trying to eat a little better…
carolyn graduates on friday…  so proud of her…
that’s about all i got.  i leave you with a photo from the wedding.  ignore how sweaty i am, cause, eww, but still, awwww..

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July 27, 2011

you guys look really happy. i’m happy for you

July 27, 2011

You guys look great together! And slip and slides ARE for grown-ups. You just need bigger slides when we’re old 😛

July 27, 2011

beautiful! both of you 🙂

July 27, 2011

what a great couple. her smile is gorgeous 🙂 happy for you!

July 28, 2011

That is a great picture! I’m happy for you! That’s so exciting 🙂