doodle deedle dee

 umm…  not much to report, just wedding stuff, really.

had a mole that was changing size and shape over the course of a few weeks, got a biopsy, had a few really stressful days before it came out negative and all was well.

eating right and working out, losing weight.  officially out of the ‘obese’ category of the new BMI, which is less skewed against tall people (like myself).

eating lots of hard boiled eggs and cottage cheese, and they’re delicious.  also, turkey pepperoni.  17 slices for 70 calories.  totally awesome.

52 days until my bachelor party.  130 days until my wedding.  crezzy, man.

i could sit here and try to find something to bitch about, but instead, i’m just going to leave you with a picture of myself teaching carolyn’s cousins (the bigger one is the one who had all the heart defect surgeries and worries that I talked about a lot the last few years) how to make pizza.  Totally fun, but totally draining.  Definitely not ready for kids yet.

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February 19, 2013

Aww…Sounds like things are going really great! Keep up the good work! Maybe I’ll try to boiled egg and the turkey pepperoni but I don’t like cottage cheese…

March 17, 2013

hehe you are never ready for kids. trust me :P. its that “toss into the water and swim for it!” sort of thing. Holding your own? life changing. You look really good! its nice to see you smile. <3