An update on my grandpa

 So He had the flu, and ignored it.  It led to an infection in his heart, specifically a valve.  The valve stopped working, depriving his liver and kidneys of oxygen.  He finally went into the hospital, started having hallucinations, and so they sedated him.  He’s been under since.

Two days ago, they said that they could fix his heart with open-heart surgery, but his liver and kidneys were so damaged and running so poorly that he wouldn’t make it through.  They could fix the kidneys/liver, but not with his heart as bad as it was, so they really didn’t see any way he’d be able to pull through.  A few family members flew down, but he was so sedated that he would have had no idea who was there.

Yesterday morning, it still looked very bad.  No liver growth, no kidney function, heart valve still meh.  He’d been on a ventilator since Tuesday…

Then yesterday afternoon things started to change.   They changed his catheter and his kidneys started doing their job, his liver started to regenerate some of the dead tissue from the blood/oxygen deprivation…  They were cautiously optimistic, but not thinking it would be anything they could rely on.  They took him off some of his sedation, and he was responding to outside stimuli.  Not talking or anything, but responding to touch, voice, etc.  So he’s not brain dead.

Today, it continued.  He’s actually getting better.  They said they could have done the surgery today if they needed to, but they want to give him another few days for his failingish organs to get their shit today.  Odds are he’ll be having open heart surgery early next week.  He’s 70-something years old, lived hard, so it’s not a foregone conclusion, but it looks like, at least right now, there’s a road back to health for him.  

Honestly not sure what to think.  I’d sort of accepted that he was going to go, and now that it’s up in the air, it’s almost more stressful in a way.  Not sure if that makes me a bad person or whatever…


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March 19, 2011

I don’t think that makes you a bad person at all. If he lived a good life, then this may be the time.. etc. And most people also don’t want to see loved ones suffer either, so that’s definitely understandable.. But if he seems to be pulling through, maybe he is strong enough, who knows. Either way, good luck with it all. It’s good that he has some family there for him.

March 21, 2011

Naw, not a bad person. That sort of happened with my grandma, they thought she wouldn’t make it a week so the family all gathered… but she just kept hanging on and we kept wondering and waiting… now, a year later she’s back at home, the doctors have good reports for her, and she’s having fun.