4! *edit*

I didn’t get up to workout this morning.  P was up half the night because of his cough, so I didn’t get to sleep until around 1, and Lincoln was awake at 7.  Not.enough.energy.com! But we have a lot of running around to do today, so if I have enough energy after that I’ll go for at minimum a walk on the treadmill and do some sit ups

**note to self, print out list of other exercises**

I’m down another 1.4lbs today!! YAHOO.  about 5% of my big goal done!! ðŸ™‚ Small steps!
I love that the first little bit always seems to come off faster. Gives me that little boost I need every morning when I’m dragging my ass out of bed and don’t want to work out!
Hopefully it’ll continue throughout the holidays, because then I will for sure reach my 29lb goal for middle of January! ðŸ™‚ 

I didn’t work out today…not from not being able to (although the boys didn’t nap at the same times) but because I just wasn’t feeling up to it today!  I’m hoping to be able to get a restful night, and workout first thing in the morning to start my day off!! Here’s hoping!
I doubt I’ll have lost anything in the morning, I didn’t overeat, but ate a fair bit, and not enough water! Bah!

lilypie second birthday tickers lilypie third birthday tickers



lilyslim weight loss tickers

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