Something Positive

Every time I write something in OD, it’s always me venting, pouring out my aching-heart, sharing Traumatic situations, stresses, PTSD moments, anxiety, etc.
Well, I want to share something positive.
I may not have it all, but I have my beautiful children, the air in my lungs, my love for Jesus (which no one can take), etc…and that’s something to be thankful for.
It’s about to be fall
🥰…and September is also my birthday month.
Yes, 2020 has been very rough. Not only for me, but worldwide. I, personally, can’t wait for the leaves on the trees to change into their brilliant colors. I, also, can’t wait to harass the barista at some coffee shop for some frilly, autumn-inspired latte or coffee.
For me, Fall is the beginning of something. Like a change in the atmosphere…and I definitely want to change a lot of things within myself. Whether if it’s my mood swings, my lack of motivation to take care of myself emotionally, etc…I need to have a different perspective.
I want to love myself more. Yeah, I know … everyone says that! But I mean it. I want to look at myself in the mirror and love the person I am looking at. No matter what happens… if I am able to love myself, thats all I need for me. Plus…I feel loving myself can help me be a better mom and set and example to my children.
Well, that’s all for now. Hope to write more soon.
I’m glad the season changing brings some positivity to your life! Things certainly feel brighter and happier when we are in our element.
@mamaqueenie518 absolutely!
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I too love the change in seasons. autumn is the best month, those colours, the smell in the cold brisk air.
You can and achieve all that you want too and being a good mum, there is no greater achievement.
Keep searching
Vince uk
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